Tuesday, February 28, 2006

How can you keep blaming the teachers...

I heard a story that bus drivers have had it with the behavior of MPS kids on the city buses...
Now, if you take the line that Belling and Sykes take, the bus drivers are incompetent and are not doing their job....
That is what they say of MPS teachers.
Why is it that ANYWHERE there are enough inner city folks, there are major problems...
for example:
1. MPS basketball games
2. Jam for Peace will need to find another venue do to all the poor behavior at the Wisconsin State Fair
3. Gang problems at Summerfest
4. almost all Milwaukee murders are in the inner city
5. Sherman Fest has all but been cancelled....

Who is to blame for all that?
Teachers get blamed because people who can not act like human beings anywhere else in life are all of a sudden going to want to learn to read and write? Give me a break.

Start blaming the community and parents for the poor schools. I can not make a kid do homework. I can not make a kid go to school. I can not make a kid do anything they do not want to do....they live a life of failure due to all the handouts and excuses given to them by their leaders...

Poll: Bush Ratings At All-Time Low

Okay, what is the problem?
Lets have a real debate. (not stealing that from RDW)
If you just write that Bush is a liar and stupid and sucks....I might actually delete your comments for the first time ever.
Righties...lets take an honest look at what is going on
Lefties.....try to calm down and articulate what you think he is doing wrong...

Because everyone needs to take a good long look in the mirror and see that Bush's numbers have not been good over over a year now.

Monday, February 27, 2006

The mind of a liberal

You think Jim and Ron can be bad, listen to how a true, 100% left winger debates. They are full of emotion, that is their problem. They can not calm down enough to allow their brain to get involved in the action. I wish more people could see how a genuine liberal thinks, the Democratic party would lose even more than they already do.

The Donkey sees that you are fluent in Gibbering Moronese. Unfortunately, the Donkey is not. You generate more waffle than the waffle making machine in a waffle factory. You should offer your posting style to hospital operating theatres as a highly-effective alternative to unconsciousness-inducing medications. The Anti-Moron™ software on the donkey's PC went crazy when the Donkey started to read your post. You could type every thing you know on the subject on back of a microscopic postage stamp and still have room leftover for a shopping list. Anyway, who was talking to you or even taking you under consideration? As Abba Eban so aptly said: "His ignorance is encyclopedic."

Your post is a tedious, homogenised, chameleon-esque scribble which amounts to nothing more than the demented cacophonous racket of a drugged lunatic banging loudly on kitchen pots and pans. Your ineffective imitation of good posting style only serves to illuminate your lack of substance, good taste, and decency.

That was a "response" to my post about the ports. Any liberal who comes here should be ashamed that these are the kinds of the people who are on your side. If you think this uncommon of your party, just spend two minutes in DailyKos and say something that doesn't appeal to communists, and if you agree with what donkey said, you are too lost to bother with.

Do as I say, not as I do...

Ted Kennedy Wants Windmills Killed

Self-proclaimed alternative energy proponent Sen. Ted Kennedy has strongly opposed an environmentally friendly "wind farm” off the coast of Massachusetts – and now it appears Kennedy will have his way.

A proposal before Congress would limit the construction of wind turbines and most likely doom plans for the Cape Wind Project, the nationÂ’s first offshore wind farm. [EditorÂ’s Note: Read the book that first exposed Sen. KennedyÂ’s hypocrisy -- Go Here Now.]

"The problem was not aesthetic; the Kennedys wouldn’t be able to actually see the turbines from their home. Instead Robert Kennedy Jr., who had been beating the drum for alternative sources of energy for more than a decade, complained that the project would be built in one of the family’s favorite sailing and yachting areas.”

Democrat's are very good at telling OTHER people what to do...but they do not inconveniencevieience themselves... Liberals want wind farms, but not near them... Liberals hate SUV's, but run around in Hummers, SUV's, private jets and limo's... It is all apart of their arrogance....they are smarter than you....they know what is best for you...that is why they want to take all your money (high taxes) and tell you how to use it... They are the party of the poor....how poor is Ted Kennedy and John Kerry?

Sunday, February 26, 2006

Arab Company Accepts Broader Ports Review

Okay, if you take off your "I hate GWB" hat, there isn't anything to get mad about.
On the surface this sounds and looks terrible.
However, it seems to be working out fine.
If the government goes through the right channels, dots all the I's and crosses all the T's, then there is nothing to say.
If all these agencies and government groups look at the deal and say it is okay, the only way you could still be against it is:
1. you hate Arabs
2. you think this is a chance to hurt Bush.

That's it. The right thing will happen here. If the deal looks bad, it won't happen. End of story.

Cry for help

Can anyone get my wife a job doing anything in SE Wisconsin?
She is a college graduate...

Weekend free for all

Your chance to say whatever you want...

Saturday, February 25, 2006

Abortion illegal?

So, what is going to happen here?

I actually think the Supreme Court will NOT make abortion outright illegal...
This law will be struck down by some liberal court and the Supreme Court either not hear the case or simply agree with the lower court...

It will piss of conservatives, but it will take a little bit less strict law to get the Supreme Court to agree with it....

And here come the feminists....
This issue is so damn confusing to me...
How people can be so passionate and confident about killing a baby is crazy.
Liberals will fight to keep a murder off of death row but fight even harder to let a mother kill a baby....I don't get it...

And what will cause more deaths? Legal abortions all over the place...or the few women who will still kill their baby in an illegal procedure?


Since Jim agrees with Ann Coulter, I thought I would put some of her column up here...
I just know when Jim and Ron read her words and agree, they will have to take 4 or 5 showers.

But Bush is going to need a better justification for turning over management of our ports to an Arab country than he's come up with so far

Bush's defense of the port deal is to say that "those who are questioning it" need to "step up and explain why all of a sudden a Middle Eastern company is held to a different standard than a Great British company."

First of all, it's not "all of a sudden." The phrase you're searching for, Mr. President, is "ever since the murderous attacks of Sept. 11." The Bush administration's obstinate refusal to profile Middle Easterners has been the one massive gaping hole in national security since the 9/11 attacks — attacks that received indirect support from the United Arab Emirates.

There are at least 3,000 reasons why a company controlled by a Middle Eastern Muslim emirate should be held to a different standard than a British company. Many of these reasons are now buried under a gaping hole that isn't metaphorical in lower Manhattan.

President Bush has painted himself into a corner on this issue, and he needs a face-saving compromise to get out of it. Here's my proposal: Let Harriet Miers run the ports.

The Bush administration defended Muslims rioting over cartoons, saying, "We certainly understand why Muslims would find these images offensive." Hey, while they're at it, why don't they invite some Muslim leaders with well-known ties to terrorism to the White House for a reception? Oh wait, I forgot ... They did that right after 9/11. Yes, now I see why we must turn over our ports to the United Arab Emirates.

Needless to say, the Treason Times won't show the cartoons that have incited mass rioting around the globe. At least The New York Times has a good excuse: It's too busy printing national security secrets that will get Americans killed. Its pages are already brimming with classified information about our techniques for spying on terrorists here in America — no room for newsworthy cartoons! The Pentagon Papers and a top-secret surveillance program are one thing; cartoons that irritate Muslims are quite another.

Taking to heart the lesson that violence works, I hereby announce to the world: I am offended by hotel windows that don't open, pilots chattering when the passengers are trying to sleep, and Garfield cartoons. Next time my sleep is disturbed by gibberish about our altitude over Kansas, the National Pilots Emirate embassy is going down. And mark my words: One minute after "Garfield II" goes into pre-production, some heads are gonna roll. Oh — and I'll take the San Diego port, please.

It is nice to see that conservatives can have discussions about issues. Even though people like Jim and Ron constantly say that we all simply listen to Rush and Sean (which means they don't listen to them)....there are many issues we have discussed...Miers, border security, spending, abortion, ect...and now this.

I was trying to think of something that liberals have argumentsnts about, and the only thing I could come up with was how loud and often to say they hate GWB. Some liberals want to yell only a few times a day, while others want to yell on the hour....I think that is the only issue there is big discussion on.

It is ironic that the Right has debates on things....since it is the Left that says we only read talking points and say whatever Bush says....

Well, here is another example to prove you guys wrong....in five minutes after they read this they will have forgotten yet another fact to prove them wrong...and the next time something comes up they will once again go back to their 1972 playbook and say we always support the president because we are dumb stupid redneck Republicans.

It takes a refined, intellectual giant on the Left to conjure up thoughts of genius...funny how they all think the same thing?

Friday, February 24, 2006

Pew Survey: Republicans Are Happier

Don’t worry, be happy – and be a Republican.
Conservative Republicans are significantly more likely to say they are "very happy” than are liberal Democrats, a Pew Research Center survey reveals.
The survey of more than 3,000 adults found that 47 percent of conservative Republicans are "very happy,” as are 45 percent of moderate/liberal Republicans. But only 28 percent of liberal Democrats say they are very happy, as do 31 percent of conservative/moderate Democrats. Among Independents, 29 percent are very happy.
"Could it be that Republicans are so much happier now because their party controls all the levers of federal power?” the Pew report asks.

"Not likely. Since 1972, the GOP happiness edge over Democrats has ebbed and flowed in a pattern that appears unrelated to which party is in political power.”
Republicans still hold an edge when household income is considered – poor Republicans are happier than poor Democrats, middle-income Republicans are happier than middle-income Democrats, and rich Republicans are happier than rich Democrats.
"This finding is niftily self-reinforcing,” quips syndicated columnist George F. Will, reporting on the survey. "It depresses liberals.”
Overall, 34 percent of those surveyed said they are very happy; about 50 percent said they are "pretty happy,” and 15 percent are "not too happy.”
Other findings of the Pew survey:
About half of those with an annual family income or more than $100,000 say they are very happy, compared to 24 percent of those with an income of less than $30,000.
People who attend religious services every week are more apt to be very happy (43 percent) than those who never attend (26 percent).
Married people are a good deal happier than singles – 43 percent of those who are wed say they are very happy, compared to just 24 percent of singles.
Married people with children are about as happy as those without children, and retirees and workers are equally likely to say they are very happy.

This is not hard to figure out...
Republicans statistically are more likely to be married with children and make more money.
In addition, they have lives and don't have time to sit there and bitch. Liberals tend to be single, upset about there life, don't go to church, and problably the kids who got picked on all the time in school.

Why doesn't anyone care about the Olympics


Last night was the first night the Olympics won the night. Why is this? Is it because there are too many white people? Is it because no one cares about the events? Is it because the American athletes are choking and not very likeable?

Let me know...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006


I was at my grandma's funeral and I thought about a few things...

Grandma always put everyone before herself, and she loved seeing her family more than anything in the world....I think there are a lot of people who need to start living like that...

People would be so much more happy in life if they would put others first...if they would see that doing things for your family and friends is much more important that satisfying your personal needs and wants...

I truly believe I do this pretty well. I can do better, but generally I try and think of different ways to be with my friends and family....I like doing things for them and I am much more happy when they are happy.

I think this is a real weakness with so many people. They get caught up in their lives...they don't have time for friends. It is a mistake. I work a full time job, writing a thesis, and have many, many part time jobs....However, I spend more time with my friends and family than most....and most others only work their very NOT time consuming 40 hour a week job....

Moral of the story....make time for others. Help out others. Do everything you possibly can. It will make you much more happy in the long run....

Problems mount at Holloway properties

You have the head of the Milwaukee County Board doing many bad things. First, he was brought up on 99 ethics charges....no one really cared.
Now he is a slum lord, to the point where he has a warrant out for his arrest...
Three reasons this sucks...
1. There is not very much support on the council to get rid of him.....and basically they have come out and said, "us blacks must stick together." This is wrong on so many levels I might just let you figure it out.
2. We all know what would happen to a white Republican if he did even 10% of what Holloway did.
3. It is guys like this, black "leaders" who ensure that the inner cities will stay the way they are forever....this guy should be helping his community, not becoming a slum lord for black people.

This guy is evil on many levels, and there is no guarantee that he will even lose his job.
We need to get rid of all the Holloway's in the black community if there they are ever going to have a chance....

Tuesday, February 21, 2006


You will not find this anywhere else (I don't think).

The hot topic right now is this mandate of ethanol gas in WI.

The two conservative radio talk show hosts (Sykes and Belling) are both yelling and screaming that the WI state Senate will vote on this any day and are afraid that it will pass.

I talked to a senior staff member tonight, and he informed told me..."The leader of the Senate usually does not bring a bill to the floor for a vote when it doesn't have the votes to pass. In this case, it will be brought to the floor in the next two weeks, and it will NOT PASS."

It is really a great thing. The government has been getting good at telling us things that we can and can not do in our personal lives. They SHOULD NOT be telling us to use gas that cost more, pollutes the air more, gets worse gas mileage, and ruins engines....

Pass this info around....I know I am not a part of the "loop", but give me credit for the inside info...

Bush Shrugs Off Objections to Port Deal

A few thoughts...
1. Why are their foreign countries in control of our ports PERIOD...
2. I thought this was a bad idea to have a arab nation running some ports, then I thought...United Arab Emirates is supposedly an ally. If we don't let them have this deal, we are saying we are completely racist and think all Arabs are terrorists.

I have argued many times that radical muslims are our biggest threat. However, how in the hell can the Democrats say this is a bad idea? If they do, they would be more hypocritical than ever before. They would be saying all Arabs can not be trusted. Are they not for tolerance? Are they not the champion of the minority? I guess not. The UAE is not a terrorist organization. When someone then says that 9-11 money came through there, the answer is that money came from the US to fund 9-11, so that argument is not valid.

I'm not sure I like the idea of Arabs running our ports, but I am not going to lie and say I trust a majority of them at all. Liberals, on the other hand, are better than that, aren't they? They love all people (except Republicans). The are not racist, they to not judge ANYONE.

If people like Hilary come out against this, it will show ONCE AGAIN, how Democrats say whatever they think is the most popular position of the day. If Dem's wanted to be consistent, they should be standing behind the President on this, and throwing out the race card against anyone who opposed to Arabs running the ports.

Nice to see

Bush has a speech in Milwaukee yesterday. He talked about energy.
It seemed to be a speech everyone could enjoy.
He talked about all the alternative energy sources, but then he talked about one REAL solution.
Finally it looks like we will build more nuclear plants. Hopefully he pushes to build more oil refineries...
If we can finally get this great country to produce some damn energy instead of being impotent to all the environmentalist and foreign countries, we can gain back some independence.

Monday, February 20, 2006

U.S. Reclassifies Many Documents in Secret Review

My initial reaction is to think that something is up...it seems sneaky...
But then I think....I have to trust our government, I have to trust that they are doing what it takes to protect us.

Then I read a bit down and see they are once again trying to fix something that hippie Clinton did. Man, that guy really hated anything that had to do with the military or intelligence agencies. That seems to go along with the hippie, free love, down with the man attitude.

So, is this a bad thing? Libs, are you always going to say that EVERYTHING the government does in secret is bad? I think there has to be things done that we don't know about, that no one knows about...

For those who know me...

My grandma passed away today. I don't really want to get into it since most of you did not know her, but if you did know her and want to go to the wake, its Wednesday night at St. Mary's (the church right behind Catholic Memorial in Waukesha).

Think its 4-7, I'll update when I get the time for sure.

Alan Simpson: Cheney Coverage Was 'Crap'

It doesn't even matter what the story is about, that title made me laugh out loud (lol for all the dorks out there).

This guy did have some fun quotes though:

"How are we to trust [the press], after a whole week of absolute dribble, and babble, and people, you know, interviewing themselves," he told "Fox News Sunday."

Noting that Washington is filled with "good people doing good things," Simspon fumed: "You'll never find it if you just follow the Washington media. You'll never know the good. All you get is controversy, crap and confusion."

Simpson also blasted top Democratic Senators Hillary Clinton and Harry Reid for complaining that the Cheney incident illustrated the Bush administration's so-called penchant for secrecy.

"That's an interesting pitch," he told Fox News host Chris Wallace. "But we haven't had another 9/11, so something good must be going on with all this, quote, evil, secret stuff."

Its just refreshing to have someone just flat out say what they think, without all the PC cover. Okay, back to the thesis.

Put a caption on this picture

I can't help it. There seems to be endless possibilities...

Sunday, February 19, 2006

Muslims Assault U.S. Embassy in Indonesia

I'm going to keep writing about all the violence committed by Muslims all over the world against the West no matter how tiring it gets.
Why would it get tiring? Liberals say that the outrage and violence is only committed by a small percentage of Muslims and that Islam is a Religion of Peace (of crap)-Poison Pero

Well, citing story after story....week after week proves the moronic lefties once again, shows how yet another argument, another issue leaves their heads in the sand....how people can be so blind to what is actually happening in the real world amazes me. How you guys can not understand human nature, especially those of radical Islam is not only naive, but dangerous.

This is our next war...

Johnny Weir reeks of liberalism

First there was Bryant Gumbel. But has one of our own Olympic athletes also politicized this installment of the Winter Games? In an NBC profile of U.S. champion figure skater Johnny Weir this past week, the flamboyant athlete is shown lying on a couch wearing a red sweatjacket with the decoration of CCCP, the Cyrillic Russian initials of the old USSR [link to video at gawker.com, see note below]. Yes, we have now seen the day when an Olympic athlete, representing the United States, is seen casually wearing a sweatjacket symbolizing the old Soviet Union.

In addition, the taped piece also captured Weir saying the following:

"I know that a lot of people, especially the more Republican-style people, are very afraid of what I mean to the sport and what I’m going to say, what kind of revolutionary, crazy things are going to come out of my mouth. And good for them. They should be scared."

I guess you on the Left should stand up and cheer for this guy....he is doing what all of you do secretly every day. He is bashing the United States, calling Republicans homophobes, and stating is dire love for communism. Do you see how bad he looks doing this? Do you see how bad you on the Left look constantly telling everyone how terrible this country is? Man, these Olympics are depressing....A bunch of cry babies who don't care about winning at the Olympics by their own admission, choke artists who wear other countries clothes....our mortal enemies for years no less...

The sad thing is there are people who see nothing wrong with what Jonny Weir says or does...."this is a free country"....
It is, and people how have a sense of pride and decency understand what an ass he is, what an embarrassment he is...
But since many on the Left agree with this guy who is a disgrace to his country, you will be upset and confused by this post.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Pat Robertson Concerns Conservatives

Here is yet another wonderful way conservatives and liberals are different...
While there are very, very few conservative talkers who are as embarrassing as the scores of crazy liberal talkers, when someone on the right starts in on crazy talk, conservatives do not give him a pass...

Where are the liberals saying all the people comparing Bush to Hitler are crazy...or Alex Baldwin calling Cheney a terrorist....or Bush being the greatest terrorist in the world...ect, ect, ect...we could do this for hours.

Dems try and say that there are crazy people on both sides, and the thousands of crazy liberals who are in the papers and media daily do not speak for the Democratic party, just like Robertson does not speak for the Republican party....

Okay, but then why doesn't anyone condemn Cindy Sheehan, Michael Moore, Harry Belafonte, Alex Baldwin, Barbara Streisand, ect, ect, ect....

Global Warming...

The Winter Olympics

Olympic ratings are down to the lowest point since the 1980's.
I watched them a little, and here is why I think no one wants to watch, and why we keep choking.
These are kids that have grown up in a liberal parenting society.
The message now is: "as long as you try your best, it doesn't matter if you win." I heard atleast three former pot head snow boarders say stuff like that in interviews the few times I did watch, and it made me sick. These guys can't handle the pressure because their whole lives they have been taught not to care about winning or losing, not to be sad when you don't do your best. Well, we are seeing what happens when people are not subjected to failure and low self esteem from failure....more failure.
Plus, I am tired of hearing supposed Olympic athletes using words like "rad" and "tubular" or "do it bigger" anymore. I didn't think this was the X games or the hippie Olympics. Based on low ratings, Americans either don't want to see losers not care that they choke, or Americans would rather watch crap like American Idol or Dancing with the Stars...

School voucher deal goes to the Legislature

Jim Doyle just did what the Left always does...say one thing and then do another.
My problem is that this time, it affects me directly on a few levels.
I am forced to have almost 100 bucks taken out of my check a month for my pathetic union. That crappy union takes most of that money and puts in in their pockets. What little is left goes to people like Jim Doyle because the idiots that run the union think they can trust anything a Dem says.
Doyle doesn't care because liberals only hate conservatives. If a Republican Gov. would have done this, there would have been outrage.
It just gets so tired and so old to see this double standard.
It's just like the fact that NOW barely made a peep while the former President of the USA was cheating on his wife. Think of the outrage if Bush would do that.
Of course, the libs always find ONE person who speaks out against another lib for their lame defense of this issue....but when someone on the Right does the same thing, scores and scores wake up from their weed induced sleep to protest.

Friday, February 17, 2006

Why hasn't Bryant Gumbel been fired?

Just read some of the things he said:

So try not to laugh when someone says these are the worldÂ’s greatest athletes, despite a paucity of blacks that makes the winter games look like a GOP convention.
So, he called the GOP racist in this sentence. He said he will not watch something that has so many white people in it...
Where is the outrage.

There is none. Why? Because Republicans have lives and don't give a crap about stupid things liberals say....That is Left for the people on the Left.

They scream and yell when something they don't like is said, and they usually get their way. Rush Limbaugh was fired from ESPN for saying something that atleast some people agreed with. It was alegitimatee statement. But because the PC world didn't like it, he was canned.

To completely mindless people who still don't see this double standard...I wonder how you can make it through the day with outimpalingg yourself. Liberals and minorities can say whatever they want.

The only people who are censored are evil white Republicans....period....

Weldon Compares 'Able Danger' to Watergate

Representative Curt Weldon, R-Pa., compared the PentagonÂ’s alleged cover-up of Operation Able Danger to the Watergate scandal, during the first open Congressional hearings on the matter Wednesday.

Weldon has alleged that Able Danger identified the hijackers involved in the 9/11 attacks months before September 11, but were unable to notify the proper law enforcement authorities because of a legal wall forbidding shared intelligence.

Weldon says he received his information from whistle-blowers within the Pentagon.
According to The Hill, Weldon issued his comparison in response to the denials of Stephen Cambone, undersecretary of defense for intelligence.
Cambone denied WeldonÂ’s claims that Pentagon whistle-blowers were intimated by their superiors against speaking publicly.

"How can we trivialize what these people have said?” Weldon asked.
"I do not understand,” he continued. "It is frustrating to me. I am not going to stop here. President Nixon had to resign over a third-rate burglary,” but thousands died in the September 11 attacks.
He also openly questioned both the Clinton and Bush administrations. "Maybe,” he said, neither administration wants to know what happened. Maybe I am offending everyone.”
The Hill reported that only a handful of lawmakers attended the hearing, and most deferred their question time to Weldon.

We worry about Dick Cheney but not this?
This should make everyone steaming mad. All the lawyers and PC losers put up all this tape and a 50 foot wall up making our intelligence agency as effective as a one legged man in an ass kicking contest.
Clinton, the lawyers, and every liberal who hates the military and the Fdefinitelyinately to blame....and if Bush is not concerned about fixing it, then you can throw him in the pot too.
The Government's number one job is not to give us welfare or free health care, it is to protect us...
Many in this country have forgotten that. We have story after story about how some liberal is pissed we are not giving away as many billions of dollars as he wants to give away to a bunch of losers who don't want to work....but NOTHING is said about a story that directly caused the death of over 3,000 people because our government did not do its number one duty...

Gym Teacher Accused Of Taking Bribes

Wish I would have thought of it first.
I could have been getting my income closer to that of a garbage man or maybe even a secretary.
The teacher should have taken on this issue like a Democrat...scream and yell about something...
or lie, say he was using the money to buy gym equipment...in any case...if he was a Dem he would have never resigned. It is the lesson of the Left to keep fighting and yell loud enough until people forget...and if he was black he could have pulled out his race card.

Thursday, February 16, 2006

No smoking outside

Here is another trick of the Left...reach your goals little by little.
You hear of the slippery slope, and usually don't care about it.
But in many cases, liberals fly down that slope faster than Cody Miller.
They say, "Oh no, it will stop here." Then they take a little more, and a little more.

Many issues happen this way...abortion and gay marriage are two big ones.
Convince people that they only want this "little thing"...then keep taking more and more little things until they have what they want.

In this case, liberals don't want anyone to smoke. It is banned in just about every public building, its illegal in a vast majority of businesses (even bars), some places have tried to ban it in people's houses....and now it is banned outside.

So the next time a liberal just wants to take an inch on an issue, remember that eventually they will have a foot (in the door).

I thought liberals love the right to privacy issue?
I guess only when it applies to killing a baby....but now to being able to smoke outside.
I don't understand that...liberals care about health and the environment sometimes, and don't when it comes to murder.

CNN slams Cheney for going over to FOX

And why is that?
The media throws soft ball questions and Hillary, Gore, Kerry, ect... all day long.
I did not see the coverage on Tuesday on FOX, but I did see CNN for an hour and a half...
Why would Cheney go on a network that covered his story for 70% of their morning news?
They NEVER did more than one story that was not about Cheney before going back to two or three stories about him. The anchor's were laughing, they were giddy from the news.

This is what the average person does not get. I'm sure the FOX interview was not as hard hitting as if someone from CNN conducted it, but this is the norm on the other side. Doesn't it seem so weird when it is done on the right? Doesn't it seem out of place? That is because FOX rarely does it, while CNN softball's pictures to liberals constantly...

Wouldn't this be the pot calling the kettle black?

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

What is important

While the cable news shows spend over half of their airtime talking about the accidental shooting of a 78 year old lawyer, here are a few things that are going on that are actually important...

Pilots Report Seeing Laser Lights While Flying
Three die in Pakistan cartoon riots
Sen. Feingold Tries to Block Patriot Act ... Again

The Muslim story is the issue of this lifetime.
This will be a culture war between the Middle East and the West
Radical Islam will definately try to destroy Western freedom...will we let it?

Cheney: 'I'm the Guy Who Pulled the Trigger'

I was away for a few days, and I come back to this.
I was forced to watch CNN for an hour and a half in the Dallas airport....I remember why no one watches that station anymore. The anchors were giddy with delight that Cheney shot a guy. I would say that for the hour and a half I watched, a solid 70% of the airtime went to Cheney.

Is is a story.....yes
Should it be reported.....yes
Should it be on 70%+ of the morning news.....no

How big of a story is this?
Even my black students say this is not a big deal, and they are brainwashed very easily by liberal propaganda.

So....is this a huge story?
the other thing that confused me about this was the Dem's saying over and over that the story was not reported for 24 hours.....I kept thinking to myself....so what???

Well, good to be back....hope my readers come back.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Free for all

This might be my last post until next week...
come up with some good stuff...


Today's memorial service for civil rights activist Coretta Scott King -- billed as a "celebration" of her life -- turned suddenly political as one former president took a swipe at the current president, who was also lashed by an outspoken black pastor!

The outspoken Rev. Joseph Lowery, co-founder of Southern Christian Leadership Conference, ripped into President Bush during his short speech, ostensibly about the wife of Martin Luther King Jr.

"She extended Martin's message against poverty, racism and war. She deplored the terror inflicted by our smart bombs on missions way afar. We know now that there were no weapons of mass destruction over there," Lowery said.

The mostly black crowd applauded, then rose to its feet and cheered in a two-minute-long standing ovation.

A closed-circuit television in the mega-church outside Atlanta showed the president smiling uncomfortably.

"But Coretta knew, and we know," Lowery continued, "That there are weapons of misdirection right down here," he said, nodding his head toward the row of presidents past and present. "For war, billions more, but no more for the poor!" The crowd again cheered wildly.

Former President Jimmy Carter later swung at Bush as well, not once but twice. As he talked about the Kings, he said: "It was difficult for them then personally with the civil liberties of both husband and wife violated as they became the target of secret government wiretaps." The crowd cheered as Bush, under fire for a secret wiretapping program he ordered after the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, again smiled weakly.

Later, Carter said Hurricane Katrina showed that all are not yet equal in America.

"This commerative cermony this morning, this afternoon, is not only to acknowledge the great contributions of Coretta and Martin, but to remind us that the struggle for equal rights is not over. We only have to recall the color of the faces of those in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi," Carter said, the rest of his sentence drowned out by loud applause. "Those who were most devastated by [Hurricane] Katrina know that there are not yet equal opportunities for all Americans. It is our responsibility to continue their crusade."

Two points right out the gate. 1) These people have the right to say these things. 2) I am not going to even argue how incorrect these people were. I have spent over a dozen posts showing how incompetent the mayor of New Orleans and Gov. Blanco were in the hurricane situation.

This even shows one clear difference between the two parties. The Dem's simply have no class, no care in the world except bashing Republicans and getting back power. Remember when the Senator from MN died in a plane crash, and his funeral turned into a political rally....what happened....the Dem's lost. Hopefully this happens again....

Anyone with a sense of human decency understands that a funeral is not a political rally. Besides being wrong in their comments, these people disrespected the whole King family and themselves. I guess it is just a mindset. Nothing is sacred. Nothing is off limits. No respect.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

A few thoughts from the latest poll

More people in this country now rate Iran as the biggest threat to the U.S., 27 percent, than say that about any other country, including North Korea, China and Iraq, according to the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press.
I am sad to see that I have put many posts up explaining how radical Islam is by far, the greatest threat to the Free world, and really no one seems to care. I really hope this is not the Nazi's of our time. There are cartoons about the pope, Jesus and Jews all over the place. I have not had the urge to throw a rock through a window or kill someone because of it. But our enemy does. I am almost certain we will allow this to grow and grow until it might be too late. These people do not think like us, they can not be reasoned with, period. As long as we try to play nice nice with them, we will be on the fast track to destruction.

People are split on promoting more nuclear power, with 44 percent favoring it and 49 percent opposed.
What is the problem with nuclear energy. There has never been an accident from a nuclear power plant in the US, NEVER.....
Here is another example of the environmentalist yelling about nothing. If it were up to them, we would have no electricity, no cars, no houses, really....no people. People mess up the environment. So, crazy people want us to use ethanol in our gas, which ruins the environment more, not thin out forests, which causes more forest fires, and not use nuclear power, which has NEVER caused a problem in this country. Road block after road block put up to delay success and prosperity.

Say no to plan to let 8-year-olds wield rifles

Come on now.
This is a case of the people on the right side of an issue going to far.
There is no doubt that American's have the constitutional right to carry a gun. Our founding fathers would have it no other way. And, maybe kids did have guns to help hunt.
But can someone help me understand why an 8 year old needs to have a gun?

Monday, February 06, 2006

Drug combination prevents HIV infection in monkeys

And now, this story as if it was written by a liberal:

The CEO's at "big drug" announced a discovery that might allow them to make their pockets even fatter feeding off the poor and needy. Today atop their big corporation building, one of the billionaire CEO's of a major drug company seemed very excited that the billions of dollars of research they conducted over the past 20 years might have finally paid off. Oh, it's going to pay off, for him and all his rich stock holders.
Even though this pill might end AIDS as we know it, most patients will not be able to afford it, due to rising cover charges at gay bars.
Will the President step in and create another federal entitlement program to save all these people who have HIV?
Of course not, because GWB wants people with AIDS to die, just like he does all the soldiers in Iraq.
So now, not only will the President have the blood of innocent Hamas, Arab, and Iraqis on his hands, but now he will have the sick, infected blood of everyone with AIDS on his hands too.
And make sure he doesn't get the pill to stop himself from getting HIV.
Bono would be very disappointed....

If the Left got their way

Lets go back through history and see what would have happened if the Left won the argument:
1. Civil war would have ended early. Northern Democrats wanted to end the war right away. They said all the lives lost was not worth ending slavery.

2. Civil rights act would not have been passed...Republicans passed the civil rights act of 1964.

3. The USSR would still be around, maybe the lone superpower...Liberals said over and over (there are endless quotes of this) that we can not defeat Russia. We had to learn to work with them....(where have we heard that lately)...and we had to stop making nuclear weapons to keep the world safe. Instead, the Right built up the military and nuclear weapons, and that is what kept us safe.

4. Liberals want us out of Iraq....result???

Understanding the Religion of Peace

A few stories showing that the religion of peace is spreading its love through the world

Muslim cartoon fury claims lives
Protests spread to India
Iranians hurl petrol bombs at Austrian embassy...

This is not cute anymore...the Left's appeasement of terrorism and terrorist countries is going to harm the entire free world. Luckily we have adults running enough countries and more adults being elected every day (Canada and Germany). Its fun to think about the wonderful world liberals pretend to live in...but eventually the adults have to take over and deal with problems. There is obviously something wrong with this religion if this many people are going to act this way in the name of it, and have so many governments run by crazy people....

Will Israel Strike Iran?

Interesting question.
Do you think Israel has a right to defend itself?
If Canada or Mexico said they wanted to destroy America, what would we do?
It seems to me that if America or any European country was attacked in the way Israel was, there would have already been military strikes.
I think it is some people's hatred of the Jews that clouds this issue.

Sunday, February 05, 2006

Who will win the SuperBowl?

Who will win?
What will the score be?
Do you watch for the game, friends, or commericals?

Where are the Dem's comments?

We have a few people on the Right condemning the violent protests by Muslims against free speech.
Brit Hume: Muslim Cartoon Protests 'A Disgrace'
Donald Rumsfeld Warns Against Islamic 'Empire'

It is so funny how people like Jim jump on my opinion of liberals, yet here is a great example of how void they are of any conviction or morals.
They get all over Bush for listening to terrorists, or Rove for not revealing the identity of a FBI agent who was not really under cover. They are outraged when someone makes a comment that is considered to not be PC...
Yet, a entire group of people are protesting, with violence, against free speech, against the west saying anything about them....and the liberals have no outraged for this...

Really, it must be because when liberals look at these Muslims, they see a themselves. Liberals scream, yell and protest any time they feel they are being threatened. When someone gives a speech about conservative ideas (yes, the right actually has those), liberals protest, throw pies and try and get the event canceled..

So I guess I understand why the Left can not condemn these actions, because they really do not want to condemn their own actions.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Syrians Torch Embassies Over Caricatures

First of all, I wrote two blogs today and now they are gone...

Now, this story is about our enemy....the people who are not tolerant, don't want to be our friend, and could give a crap about anything but making the entire world Muslim...period..

This is the group of people liberals want to "understand." They want to know why they hate us...
Mostly, because we are not Muslim. I know you guys don't understand human nature, that is why you are liberals in the first place. So, you guys worry about getting rid of Religon in public life, put santa in jail, make sure convicts can have sex change operations, and let the adults (the Right) make sure we are protected from these people.

Reinstate the Cap

This is why we had caps in the first place.

What has been happening throughout the country already has begun in Wisconsin, less than seven months after the Wisconsin Supreme Court invalidated the state’s monetary limit on noneconomic damages in medical liability cases.

A Dane County jury this week awarded $8.4 million, including $4.25 million in damages for pain and suffering, to a patient who had suffered serious health problems following surgery. The former cap on such noneconomic damages in
Wisconsin was $445,000. Wisconsin has not limited awards for medical expenses
and other tangible economic losses.

“There are no guarantees in medicine. No matter how skilled or how careful a doctor may be, risks still exist,” said Mark Belknap, MD, president of the Wisconsin Medical Society. “Of course, we’re all saddened when a patient’s outcome doesn’t turn out as everybody hoped, but the health care system can’t afford many multi-million dollar awards for noneconomic damages, as is clear from other states in crisis,” added Dr. Belknap.

I've heard from a number of physicians who are very concerned about this. It not only drives up their costs, and makes other states much more attractive to practice medicine in.

As well, I spoke with a physician who plays a role in hiring new doctors for a large hospital in Western Wisconsin. Ever since the Supreme Court threw out the caps, he has had a tough time recruiting new doctors to Wisconsin.

What is more important for Democrats: that health care remains attainable for Wisconsin citizens, through low costs and a sufficient number of physicians, or that the trial lawyers pad their bank accounts?

From BBA

Friday, February 03, 2006


A story about liberal, PC America's greatest crime: hurting someone's feelings.You call someone a name, and you get arrested.
If that is the case, every single kid at my high school should be arrested every day.This fulfills the stereotype of the wimpy, emotion driven PC liberal.
Then if you read the story, you find out the woman working at the Taco Bell has had this problem before, meaning she made it up.
So a woman who was mad she was getting bad service gets arrested because the black worker understands that because she is black, she can pull out the Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Democratic party endorsed race card.
I'm very glad most American's are tired of these false claims and the people who exemplify them.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

NAACP chairman compares GOP to Nazis

This is hurtful on many levels:
1. Calling Rice and Powell "tolkens" says that blacks can only be successful if they are Democrats. The NAACP is taking away the right for blacks to think. Just about all blacks agree with this. How can an ENTIRE group of people think the exact same thing? Not healthy to say the least.

2. This hurts the Dem's by making them look crazy to anyone who can think clearly. If you really believe that the GOP is like the Nazzi party, you are so far gone that there is no hope for you...have some Kool-aid

3. Can someone tell me what is new racism the Republicans are starting up? Which laws have they passed that bring back racism? It is claims like this that make people less likely to believe actual cases of racism.

The problem is that groups like the ACLU and the NAACP used to have a purpose. There used to be many social problems and social injustice. That is hardly the case anymore, so now the NAACP has to call the GOP Nazi's and the ACLU has to try to make sure inmates in Wisconsin can still have their sex change hormones.

Well, when Jim says I don't characterize liberals correctly...I'll just keep giving examples of the truth...don't see anything comperable being said on the other side.

States Consider Abortion Law Changes

Emboldened by recent additions to the Supreme Court, conservative legislators in at least five states have proposed laws to strictly limit abortion.

According to stateline.org, lawmakers in Georgia, Indiana, Ohio, South Dakota, and Tennessee are contemplating a ban on all abortions except those health situations where the life of the mother is in danger.

So, one of the Dem's big arguments will be gone. Many, like Jim, will yell about the health of the mother. Well, these bills have that in there, so now what will happen is people will not be able to murder babies.

I believe we can still talk about when in the pregnancy it goes from birth control to murder.
So, I am making a rational, legitimate argument. Ending late term abortions is a great thing. There is NO DOUBT it is murder. You can still have your lame argument that we need to keep it open for the health of the mother, which happens about .00000001% of the time....So, what is your new reason to allow people to kill babies?

Wednesday, February 01, 2006

State of the Union Part II

Terrorists like bin Laden are serious about mass murder -- and all of us must take their declared intentions seriously. They seek to impose a heartless system of totalitarian control throughout the Middle East, and arm themselves with weapons of mass murder. Their aim is to seize power in Iraq, and use it as a safe haven to launch attacks against America and the world. Lacking the military strength to challenge us directly, the terrorists have chosen the weapon of fear. When they murder children at a school in Beslan ... or blow up commuters in London ... or behead a bound captive ... the terrorists hope these horrors will break our will, allowing the violent to inherit the earth. But they have miscalculated: We love our freedom, and we will fight to keep it.

Bush says what some liberals do not understand. We are dealing with people who only care about destroying the West and making the world an Islamic state. We can't deal with them by talking or trying to make them like us. They will only like us if we all shoot ourselves in the head. Of course, they blow up buses and bomb schools, but liberals yell more about Bush letting our intelligence agency listen to terrorists talk on the phone.

There is no peace in retreat. And there is no honor in retreat. By allowing radical Islam to work its will -- by leaving an assaulted world to fend for itself -- we would signal to all that we no longer believe in our own ideals, or even in our own courage.

And we are on the offensive in Iraq, with a clear plan for victory. First, we are helping Iraqis build an inclusive government, so that old resentments will be eased, and the insurgency marginalized. Second, we are continuing reconstruction efforts, and helping the Iraqi government to fight corruption and build a modern economy, so all Iraqis can experience the benefits of freedom. Third, we are striking terrorist targets while we train Iraqi forces that are increasingly capable of defeating the enemy. Iraqis are showing their courage every day, and we are proud to be their allies in the cause of freedom.

Now, this is a plan. You can argue you don't like the plan...but then what is your plan? Simply running away is not a good plan. Liberals, what is your plan to have Iraq succeed?

Yet the destination of history is determined by human action, and every great movement of history comes to a point of choosing. Lincoln could have accepted peace at the cost of disunity and continued slavery. Martin Luther King could have stopped at Birmingham or at Selma, and achieved only half a victory over segregation. The United States could have accepted the permanent division of Europe, and been complicit in the oppression of others. Today, having come far in our own historical journey, we must decide: Will we turn back, or finish well?

Great point. Bush wants to actually deal with problems instead of leaving them for others. Of course, you see what happens when a politician actually tries to deal with problems. The other side drills him with on alternative. On 9-11, we saw what happened when things were simply shrugged off.

State of the Union Part I

In a system of two parties, two chambers, and two elected branches, there will always be differences and debate. But even tough debates can be conducted in a civil tone, and our differences cannot be allowed to harden into anger. To confront the great issues before us, we must act in a spirit of good will and respect for one another -- and I will do my part.
There is only one party on the House and Senate floor that has mean spirited, personal attacks coming from it. The Left likes to say that both sides do it, for one personal attack from the Right, there are thirty, fifty, or even one hundred from the Left.

In this decisive year, you and I will make choices that determine both the future and the character of our country. We will choose to act confidently in pursuing the enemies of freedom -- or retreat from our duties in the hope of an easier life.

And we are writing a new chapter in the story of self-government -- with women lining up to vote in Afghanistan ... and millions of Iraqis marking their liberty with purple ink Isn't it nice to hear someone talk with optimism, with hope...don't get that on the Left...

Have to go to work now, more later...
Has Jim's feelings been hurt to bad? Where has he been?
Maybe he ran away with Ron.