Sunday, August 12, 2007

Milk Prices Rise to Record Highs

This might not seem like a very important story, but it can be used for almost any item nowadays. Lets just talk about milk and gas. Because of booming economies in India and China, these two items are skyrocketing. I don't see anyway around it. Because of supply and demand, EVERYTHING is going to start costing more. Anything that can not be made fast enough. Then you add in the fact that we are wasting corn on ridiculous ethanol gas that runs terrible and actually uses more oil to produce than gas, and we all our food products are going to skyrocket. What can we do to stop this?


jhbowden said...
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jhbowden said...

"What can we do to stop this?"

Why do you want to stop it? Prices give consumers and producers clear information about the relative need and scarcity of commodities.

I agree the subsidies and tax credits to special interests need to go. Democrats are the pros at this-- they always talk about "protecting American jobs," "incentives to develop new technology," "fair trade" and so forth without realizing that this is the essence of corporate welfare.

hashfanatic said...

Tell the cows to hurry up and "make" more milk??

The Game said...

based on the sarcastic comments I see you think my question is stupid...well, then I hope you like $5 a gallon gas and $6 a gallon milk

hashfanatic said...

Well, I'm not worried about it (no matter how much neocons and their moron followers try to fear-monger), and even if it comes to pass, I've been through worse nightmares in life, and I'll adapt.

Jim said...

Democrats are the pros at this-- they always talk about "protecting American jobs," "incentives to develop new technology," "fair trade" and so forth without realizing that this is the essence of corporate welfare.

You are going to pin this on Democrats? What a joke!

hashfanatic said...

Forget about the fact that the vast majority of Chinese happen to be lactose-intolerant....

Realism said...

Jim -

It's Bill Clinton's fault!

Jim said...

Always was, always will be.

hashfanatic said...

It's the price of Nestle's Quik that's the true bellweather, no?

Damn wascally wabbits.

The Game said...

Honestly Hash, what is wrong with you?

None said...

$5 for gas!
$6 for milk!

omg.. what will we do.. The end is near.

"Nestle's Quick.."
lol.. (eww.. dont look that one up in the urban dictionary)

The Game said...

5 bucks for gas and 6 for milk hurts the economy and it really hurts all the poor people that you liberals pretend to care about. You show you could really care less. When people have less spending money to buy items, people lose jobs, mostly unskilled poor people.

None said...

Personally, I cant afford milk or gas until it reaches $5 per gallon.

Realism said...

We could solve the problem of expensive milk and expensive gasoline by using more soybeans and fewer cows. As food, soybeans produce 16 times as much protein per acre compared to cattle ranches. The quality of the protien is much higher than mammal protiens. You can also use soybeans to make soy milk, which is much healthier than cows milk. We could use all of the farm land that is freed up from cows and the grains grown to feed cows to grow switchgrass, which is a much more efficient plant to use to make ethanol.

In addition, the health of the average American would improve drastically.

Anonymous said...

"the poor people that you liberals pretend to care about."

As opposed to conservatives who don't even pretend to care.

Anonymous said...


The Game said...

realism gave a non-emotional opposed to other liberals like parklife who waste everyone's time by typing.

Anonymous said...

If it wasn't for your unintentional comedy, this whole blog would be a waste of time.

None said...

Jesus.. isnt that the truth.

Game, did you really not think of Realism's suggestion?

Scorpion said...

WOW!!!game--We've got COMEDY CENTRAL here today.I didn't realize
the amount of imbeciles out there until I got my guffaws here this afternoon.If only their thinking process worked as well as their comedic comments.This is great!!More people to be amused by everyday!!!

hashfanatic said...

Sure, scorp, we'll just let game and his little neocon twerps spin their endless lies and take their insults.

Anonymous said...

You should be grateful, Scorp. If it wasn't for the occasional liberal comment, the average mental age here would be about 12.

The Game said...

look how low the level of intelligent comments goes when it is full of liberals. Why do you waste your time even typing insults and crap? Does it make your lives seem better?
I wrote a post about the cost of items going up, and how that should be important...and I have ONE comment in relation to that...

hashfanatic said...

Again, you're not interacting with your commenters, game. You have to foster intelligent dialogue by showing that you are willing to participate in it, not by just spraying graffiti on a wall and daring anyone to paint over it.

The Game said...

If you would say anything of any relevance, I would respond. However, stupid comments like:
Tell the cows to hurry up and "make" more milk
It's the price of Nestle's Quik that's the true bellweather, no?
neocon twerps
Thats just in this single thread in one day...I could go on, but your not worth it.

Scorpion said...

Endless lies??Not to anyone alive from the neck up!!Don't stop now!This is the most ridiculous posting
on this RIGHT ON blog in years!!Its
great to see the jumbled one made to look almost rationale for a change.

hashfanatic said...

Okay, game. Let's take it from the top.

You're whining about the fact that you have to pay higher prices for milk. Do you imagine that these higher prices affect only you? Or perhaps only rightists?

Please explain why you believe you should pay less for your milk than anyone else pays. Why do you believe you are ENTITLED to subsidized milk? Are you frustrated because you do not qualify for the WIC program?

Ethanol, game? What do you know from ethanol, other than you've been taught that it is bad?

What does ethanol, made from corn, have to do with milk, from a cow?


The Game said...

get hash a new stash...
I don't think I ever said I wanted lower prices for myself...
You know what, I will not waste my time.

hashfanatic said...

"You know what, I will not waste my time."

Of course not.

You have no answers, and you cannot even explain your own questions.

You have only childish insults, and hate.

Marshal Art said...

"You have no answers, and you cannot even explain your own questions.

You have only childish insults, and hate."

And a desire for the same high quality hash you smoke.

Marshal Art said...


Kudos on your post of 8/13 @10:59AM. A fine response.

None said...

"Kudos on your post of 8/13 @10:59AM. A fine response."

Still waiting for conservatives to come up with something other than sarcastic comments to a stupid question.

hashfanatic said...
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