Saturday, May 31, 2008

Officials say Fla., Mich. delegates will get half-votes

Ouch....the people of Florida and Michigan are only worth half
Isn't this the party that still can't get over the 2000 election?
Well, I guess only HALF the votes are counted when they are in charge...
I hope this secures these two states for McCain


Anonymous said...

you obviously don't know what you are talking about. is this a surprise?

all the votes were counted. all the delegates will be seated. they count 1/2 a delegate at the convention.

by the way, seems the rethugs did the SAME THING to florida:

The Republican National Committee voted to deprive Florida of half its delegates because its contest will fall before Feb. 5.

The Game said...

so the people only count as one half...I see...
That is less than slaves were counted as in the south...

Jay Bullock said...

You seem to be confusing a party's nominating process with an election. They are not the same; there is not constitutional guarantee that your vote in a nominating process must be counted as it would be in an election.

In fact, it wasn't that long ago when no one voted in nominating contests.

The party gets to make its own rules for nominating its own candidate. If you have a problem with that, then get out of the party. Oh, wait, you were never in our party. So why do you care?

Anonymous said...

keep diggin' here, game. you got nothing. the gop did the same thing.

everyone knew these primaries were in effect, straw polls. both states are lucky to get what they're getting.

and again, the gop did the same thing.

Scorpion said...

Looks like the circus rolls on and on and on....

Chris VE said...

game, don't act like you're actually upset over this. you just want to kick up dirt to hurt whoever the dem. nominee ends up being. the fact is that the obama camp made great compromises by agreeing to the solution. florida and michigane (especially) broke party rules, were told they'd be punished, did it anyways, and both campaigns agreed to the punishments. for hillary to even get the compromises she's gotten is a gift. to continue complaining now is simply sour grapes over her inevitable loss.

The Game said...

They look bad no matter when they do...
Actually I agree...however the points I made are valid.
You guys get so mad because you THINK that the voting was unfair in 2000, yet here you make some weak plan that:
1. goes back on your word and shows you have no backbone
2. makes the people's votes in those states only worth half...

They should have either took none of the votes or voted again...

Chris VE said...

2000 is not an accurate analogy.