Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Dems pound McCain for new Iraq quote

Obama is quickly showing that he is not the person of "change"
He is sticking to liberal tricks and the regular political crap that everyone is sick of...
Of course, he will be able to get away with dirty attacks and still be protected from the media
They take a quote out of context...something that is NOT change for a politician
And simply saying "McCain is just doing what Bush did" for every answer about any McCain position should already be old to anyone with a brain.
Obama shows that he is an empty suit, a regular, not even good politician with really no skill besides spewing the party line.


Scorpion said...

Doesn't appear to be much between the ears either as is obvious by simply listening to the incoherent
tone of his rhetoric...

Ron said...

Whoa! Talk about same ol same ol. You are doing it right here! MCcain is taking the same positions as Bush on 90 per cent of everything. Shoring up the ol base you know. Show me where he is not and I will show you with a link where he is or has. He is flip flopping on nearly every issue. A huge sin and the subject of endless and lasting media talk when you accuse Kerry but nary a mention in the "liberal" media when McCain does it on a nearly daily basis. Either that or he takes both sides, like on Iraq. He gets the facts wrong and misstates all the time. Like "cling to the Constitution".. what the hell? Who said that?! Don't even try that. Or the apparent lack of understanding of Sunni and Shia.

Little secret since you likely can't see it being where you are busily defending instead of examining. The republican/rovain tactic is to accuse your enemy of exactly what you are doing. It's what I mean when I say "look in the mirror". That way it deflects criticism and makes it easier to defend your shi*t by doing the "so are you but what am I" yarn. They are doing it again..over and over and over again. For example the voter fraud crapfest. Where are these election turning numbers of fraudulent voters or even the serious speculation of such..Meanwhile the computerized voting machines and evidence of election turning numbers are legion...Go to Bradblog and then do your own independent research.

I also note that you guys seem to be more interested in campaign tactics than what is actually going on and actual ideas and positions..what really counts. Yesterday the republicons in Washington voted against removing tax breaks for oil companies and against extending breaks for alternative energy. THE most important issue in my book because of economics AND national security. How in the hell could I vote for that!? I know why they did it. They want to crow "do nothing congress". Ain't working this time.

Sorry to tell you this because I thought he was the best available on the republican side until he flipped on most of the issues I thought were important, but you guys are going to lose and lose big. He is already proving himself to be a horrible candidate. It will be good for you kids to see how government works when it isn't done by the far right wing. It is all you've seen, all you know if you are under 30 or 35. I, being a crusty old fart and having been there can tell you it is far less scary with moderates or liberals than what you have grown up with.

jhbowden said...

Once again, the liberal media shills for Obama. McCain (D-AZ) was making an argument that completely leaving Iraq in itself is not our criterion of success, given we have military stationed elsewhere around the world.

Serves McCain right for reaching out to creeps like Kerry and believing they are his friends.

Anonymous said...

what out of context? are you kidding? just because mccain says it's out of context doesn't make it so. verbatim is verbatim. he says it doesn't matter how long our troops are in iraq--it only matters if they are getting killed or injured.

do you dispute that this is what he said and what he meant?

it clearly shows that he is clueless about the middle east, arabs, and muslims. he is fucking clueless, and obviously so are you.

jhbowden said...

"he is fucking clueless, and obviously so are you."

We have troops currently in Korea, Germany, Japan, and many other locations. If the Iraqi government agrees to a security arrangement, there's no problem. Unlike Obama, Iraq does not trust Iran, mainly because of recent history.

Obama wants to be friends with the radicals in the Middle East, not the moderates. That my friend is clueless.

jhbowden said...

Ron --

McCain is less conservative than Bush on Global Warming^tm, ANWR, immigration, the Bush tax cuts, judges, Guantanamo, and campaign finance deform.

"He is already proving himself to be a horrible candidate."

I agree completely. He's a Democrat. McCain is stabbing his natural friends, conservatives, in the back, while trying suck up to liberals. It isn't going to work this time because McCain is not the Messiah. McCain doesn't have magic Obama powers that can heal the sick, provide jobs to the jobless, redirect hurricanes, and so forth.

McCain just doesn't understand that as long as he has the R- next to his name, liberals will never be his friends. McCain has been played as a useful idiot all of these years -- when he rails against the Bush tax cuts, commies like Russert present him as a wise, responsible, and elder statesman. Now since he stands in the way of our Lord and Savior, I wouldn't be surprised if Kerry's potential 2004 VP is now portrayed as senile.

McCain at least knows that dictators and jihadists aren't his friends, but that's setting the bar really low. Y'think?

Anonymous said...

"We have troops currently in Korea, Germany, Japan, and many other locations."

dear clueless,

apparently you don't know that koreans, japanese, and germans don't hate us, don't resent our being in their country and aren't readily willing to strap on explosives to kill americans.

"Obama wants to be friends with the radicals in the Middle East, not the moderates."

that my friend is a lie.

jhbowden said...


Most of the people in the countries you mentioned would like to see us leave. However, elected governments make policy, not opinion polls.

Obama indeed wants to stick it to our friends and befriend our enemies. He wants to abandon Iraq, invade Pakistan, and antagonize the Saudis while sucking up to Assad, Muqtada al-Sadr, and Ahmadinejad.

Anonymous said...

"Obama indeed wants to stick it to our friends and befriend our enemies. He wants to abandon Iraq, invade Pakistan, and antagonize the Saudis while sucking up to Assad, Muqtada al-Sadr, and Ahmadinejad."

jason, you sometimes write intelligent posts, at least you appear to have some intellect.

but then you come up with purely baseless shit like this and you destroy any credibility you could possibly have.

sad, really.

Ron said...

Jason,you don't live on the same planet as most of us if you really believe all that. It's hard for me to even imagine you could. Your hyperbole is hurting your chances more than it is helping. You might try to find a different way to make your point. Just a suggestion.