Thursday, June 12, 2008

Good news! Gasoline supply to be increased, with seven new refineries!

Bad news! They’re in Iran

I know, Jay likes to say that the evil oil companies don't want new refineries, but I have posted stories about companies trying to build new refineries and have so much red tape and protests it ends up costing too much to build one...
We are really screwing up on this issue


jhbowden said...

The self-deluded among us will still say that

1) Iran is developing nukes for peace, despite sitting on an ocean of oil

2) Oil companies are secretly decreasing capacity to raise prices, even as they expand production around the world.

It never occurs to the left that having to fight through mountains of litigation and legislation adds to the cost of doing business here. If anything, it drastically increases the time from which a return can be made on the investment.

The Game said...

well said again

Ron said...

If you would quit thinking about oil and put all your efforts toward working on alternatives we could use the effort to make our country stronger. That is the real way to remove the power and money from the people in the mideast you hate and fear so much. FORGET ABOUT OIL, MOVE ON! SOLVE THE PROBLEM!

PCD said...

ron, lets deprive libs like you of all oil until the alternatives are developed. That might shut you up.