Wednesday, June 04, 2008

Obama starts his sprint to the Right

Everyone knows that if you are a liberal you have to run hard to the right to get elected in a general election.
If you are seen as a far left wing hippie, you will never win...even with all the white guilt.

So McCain (who is the actual moderate who actually does work with both sides, unlike Obama) says this today:

This morning, McCain's HQ sent out research pointing out Obama's opposition to a resolution that would have designated Iran's Revolutionary Guard Corps as a terrorist organization.

"Barack Obama opposed this legislation, deciding that playing partisan primary politics was more important than our nation's security," said spokesman Tucker Bounds. "Even Senators Hillary Clinton and Dick Durbin had the judgment to call our enemies by their name, especially a group responsible for the killing of American troops in Iraq. If Barack Obama does not have the judgment and experience to even identify our enemies, how can we expect him to stand up to them?"

It is a perfect statement...
Then today Obama started sprinting to the Right. He has to now pretend he is something he is not, because if/once the America people see how he is voted and the crazy liberal things he says...he will lose big time:

Democratic presumptive presidential nominee Barack Obama vowed Wednesday he would work to "eliminate" the threat posed by Iran to security in the Middle East and around the globe.
"There's no greater threat to Israel or to the peace and stability of the region than Iran," he told the powerful pro-Israel lobby, the American Israel Public Affairs Council (AIPAC).


blamin said...

What would a presidential election be without the Democrat appearing more conservative? A novelty is what it would be.

Anonymous said...

once again you demonstrate that you are only interested in ragging on someone you disagree with.

the reason obama and many others opposed the designation is that they believed that bush would use that to attack iran under the aumf. and we all know how that last one turned out.

voting against that resolution is not inconsistent with what he is saying now.