Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Their 3 R's include running

At least one school has it right.
Study after study show that a healthy body creates a healthier mind.
Kids who exercise and have PE early in school are able stay focused and learn how to read faster because they have better tracking skills.
It would be nice to see others follow, but the trend is to cut, cut, cut everything that is not the basics....and it hurts our kids.


jhbowden said...

PE should be cut. Permanently.

I'm amazed that our teachers think fat kids can't learn. And if you're physically disabled, like Stephen Hawking, I guess you're SOL.

Socialist education offends me. This physical ed crap is just another old recycled dogma, straight out of their materialist philosophy. Sparta, not Athens, is their ideal.

The Game said...

So that means Jason doesn't care about pesky things like "research" and "studies" and "facts" or "health" or "wellness"

You must be a supporter of the global warming movement too, with the ease that you ignore facts and research.

At no time in the history of education in any country, EVER, has education only been about reading and writing.
Someone looking for a total human being, someone striving for better than the basics knows that.
Most inner city public schools only have the basics, while everyone else is introduced to the entire spectrum of education, of LIFE.
It would be nice if reading was my kids biggest problem. But we live in the real world that is much more complicated than that. These kids have real problems that need real answers, real mentors and real guidence.
I'm sure its okay with you that 60% of Americans are overweight or obese. Don't worry that they are the ones ruinging your health care and making it cost more and more.
But I guess you don't need to be in shape to take the elevator up to the office job.

jhbowden said...

"I'm sure its okay with you that 60% of Americans are overweight or obese."

It is definitely okay with me.


Because the weight of others is none of my business. I'm not going to scapegoat the obese either for the price distortions in the healthcare sector. Those are caused specifically by excessive government involvement.

Physical drills, and screwing around playing sports have nothing to do with a proper education. Making it mandatory is an obscenity.

If you have data showing the skinny people are smart, and the fat and handicapped are stupid, I'd definitely like to see it.

You are also correct in that I do not care how "well" students are. I'd rather have students with low self-esteem that know a thing or two than complete illiterates who feel no angst about being ignorant.

The Game said...

Based on your logic the kids at this school must be very stupid and are unable to handle working their bodies any minds.
I'm sure the kids here are able to handle both.

blamin said...

I can see Jason’s point.

I enjoy a little hike in the mornings just to get the juices flowing. - But -

PE is helpful, as is – decent parents, breakfast and lunch, self-esteem exercises, a responsive school system, decent clothing, art classes, etc

Where, exactly, does the government end and the people begin?

The Game said...

And I understand what you are saying as well...but this is crazy.
Having art, music and PE is not socialism or govt taking over as the parent.

blamin said...

”...but this is crazy.
Having art, music and PE is not socialism or govt taking over as the parent.”

I agree, and am all for a well rounded education (a term used historically in reference to college education), BUT (gotta love the butts), if public education were to take all its resources and concentrate on the “3 R’s” – do you think our children would be better educated and prepared? Do you think our aptitude in the major, important subjects would compare more favorably to other countries? Do you think our future would be brighter?

I’m all for the “extras” as long as the “basics” are properly learned. Unfortunately, the basics have are sorely lacking.

Ron said...

Wide knowledge and healthly citizens is a good thing and its not socialist and not communist. It's smart policy. Game is 100% right on this. Jason and blamin would continue our move to third world status.

Ron said...

blamin, sorry shouldn't have included you in that...Jason..you're a dammed anarchist.