Friday, July 11, 2008


We already know the media and Dems see issues the same way.
They are not excited about a story regarding Iraq unless it is negative.


grumps said...

Are those the benchmarks that were supposed to be met in July of 2007 or the ones from last September?

The Game said...

your name fits you well...
They have always been the same..
As an American you should be happy that our goals are being met...but then again, your only happy when we fail and continue to ruin our economy with high gas prices

blamin said...


Let’s just say for the sake of argument, the benchmarks were something strived for in 7/07 or 9/07. Does that make the achievement something that shouldn’t be celebrated?

I urge you to find a good history book on warfare and get back to me.

Anonymous said...

Did anyone care to notice the difference between "met" and "satisfactory"?

Blamin, it's a double-edged sword. It's a step in the right direction that these benchmarks are "satisfactory," but any objective observer must ask what is taking the Maliki government so damn long and what this delay means for stability in Iraq.

PCD said...

I wish Libs and Leftists like Grumps and Anon-coward would get a clue. Maybe if the both of them just moved to Zimbabwe for a couple of years, they'd be educated in the wrongs of Liberalism and can then understand how wrong, if not downright stupid, they are.

Ron said...

I'm excited! We win!!! You were right all along. Now can we come home? We win!

The Game said...

Well...we are getting closer Ron. Lets make sure we FINISH the job. The problem is that BHO might get elected and cause more damage to the middle east than Carter did with Iran.

Anonymous said...

Pcdummy contributes nothing as usual. Get new meds- your Zimbabwe rant is tired.