Thursday, July 03, 2008

Army game at Summerfest gets rid of virtual-human targets (WARNING: Liberal bias to follow)

So we have a story about the controversy between the military exhibit, Summerfest and anti-army and war groups.

here is the timeline and what is missing from the story:
1. I have found out from someone working at the Summerfest military exhibit that they closed early on Tuesday due to "threats."
2. The next day the virtual game that was apart of the exhibit was shut down due to liberal anti-military groups.
3. Charlie Sykes and Mark Belling get on the air and report on what has happened at Summerfest in regards to the military exhibit.
4. Today the exhibit is back with one minor change.

The story in the paper today makes mention on how Summerfest and the military changed the exhibit due to the liberal groups complains, yet makes NO mention on the very high call volume due to conservatives offended by Summerfest's treatment of the military.
The liberal media tries to pretend that the majority of people have a certain position yet they make sure to mention the few moonbats that complained.
Reason: The people who edit and write the stories think like the moonbats as do all their friends...they have no idea most do not agree.


Mark said...

And the band played on...