Thursday, July 03, 2008

'Black national anthem' stirs controversy for city

DENVER - Mayor John Hickenlooper's annual State of the City address may get more attention for what wasn't included than what was.

At the start of the event Tuesday morning, City Council President Michael Hancock introduced singer Rene Marie to perform the national anthem.
Instead, she performed the song "Lift Ev'ry Voice and Sing," which is also known as the "black national anthem."
When she finished, the audience responded with mild applause. The national anthem was never performed.

This says a lot about what certain people in our society think about our country. It exemplifies the "us versus them" mentality. If you didn't know, a vast majority of inner city children are stuck and focused in a solely Afrocentric life.

Remember a time when people were proud of our country and there would be no doubt that the national anthem would be played at a government event.
Thing were much better then.


TerryN said...

The national anthem is about national unity and those who fought and died to protect it.

NOT about your personal feelings!

Marshal Art said...

I truly resent this broad thinking that she has any right to act as she did. How dare she take such liberties? It doesn't matter what she sang. It could have been "America, the Beautiful", but she was asked to sing the National Anthem. What an asshole! Who the hell cares about what she thinks in a venue such as this?