Friday, July 11, 2008

Brett wants to be released

My take:

In regards to Brett...The Packers wasted his talent since about 1999 and have surrounded him with very average WR's and an average team. He should be pissed about that.However, the Packers are tired of him thinking about retiring every year, and they are moving on...Brett will be traded to a team the Packers do not play, unless they both make it to the play-offs...and I don't think the Packers or any team the Packers send Brett off to will be making the playoffs.


Mary said...

This has turned into such a mess.

Last year was such a fantastic season. There was so much promise.

The revelations that are coming out about how the Packers were being so accommodating to Favre's whims certainly put a new light on things.

I am sick at the thought of Favre playing for another team.

steveegg said...

What's more likely to happen is Wile E. Thompson will continue to try to play chicken with Favre, wait until Favre officially applies for reinstatement, reinstate him so they don't have to release him outright (and have him sign with the Vikings), and bury him on the bench as the #3 QB.

PCD said...


Brett Favre has officially retired. He wants reinstatement and to move on from the Packers. There is only one fair solution.

Only reinstate Favre if the Packers want him or only if another team gives the Packers a 1st round pick in the next draft (2009) and a 3rd round pick in the draft after that (2010) if Favre plays more than 1 year. Either way, the league ought to kick in a compensatory 1st round pick, too.

Favre jerked around the Packers for years. This latest installment of Favre Place is not right. Let any team courting or drooling for Favre know there is a price to be paid for him, and that team will pay it UP FRONT.

I've seen too many John Unitases going on to the Chargers or John Hadl going to the Packers for the sports' own good.

Favre ought to know there is a price to be paid for his crap, too. I think if he has to sit because he didn't think things through (as usual), he may grow up and be a better person, father, role model, and community member.

The Game said...

Favre will not play for any team the Packers play in the next two years (unless they both make it to the playoffs)