Saturday, July 05, 2008

Colleges caught stacking publicity photos with minorities

A new report from the online magazine Inside Higher Ed reveals that a researcher has caught universities loading their publicity photographs with black students.
"Sometimes you see the same black kid in every picture," said George Dehne, who runs an admissions consulting firm and was quoted in the online report.

I know UWM got caught taking out white students and adding minorities to pictures...
Because liberals only want it to LOOK like they are diverse...
They can never come up with any plan to actually become diverse, because simply letting in more minorities even though they do not have the academic skills to be in college only puts more on the list freshman year, then they are gone...much of the time they quit way before the end of the first semester.
The correct plan would be to make sure they actually HAVE the skills to succeed.
It's just like every other failed liberal program.
Let's just GIVE them money instead of getting them to try and earn their own money
Let's lower the definition of what a truant student is so we have less truant students
The list can go on and on...


Anonymous said...

man! this is some serious business. these institutions should be ashamed of themselves for wanting prospective students to feel that they would be welcomed to an inclusive community.


btw, i just went to the Regent University website and apparently about 25% of their students and faculty are african-american based on their website pictures.

The Game said...

You made my point...they want to TRICK students into thinking they will be welcome and have others like them around...then they get to college, see they have no one like them there, and the support system is shattered

Anonymous said...

It was Wisconsin that added a black guy to the cover of one of their publications... not UWM (UW-Milwaukee).

The Game said...

I'm sure they all do it, but I thought UWM changed a kid on the cover of a promotions book as well