Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Congressional Performance

The percentage of voters who give Congress good or excellent ratings has fallen to single digits for the first time in Rasmussen Reports tracking history. This month, just 9% say Congress is doing a good or excellent job. Most voters (52%) say Congress is doing a poor job, which ties the record high in that dubious category.

Way to go Democrats!!!!!

The puzzling thing is how are Dems winning in polls...


jhbowden said...

When McCain ordered the North Carolina GOP to stand down concerning an ad about Jerry Wright, I knew we were in for a long summer.

What sucks is that the Dems aren't beating us in a hard-fought struggle of ideas. They're winning by default, because one side refuses to show up.

Anonymous said...

the reason dems are winning at the polls is that americans know that the reason congress is doing a poor job is that the republicans are blocking everything that the democrats are trying to do. my complaint against the democrats is that they don't force the republicans to go ahead and filibuster to show how much they are keeping the congress from doing what needs to be done.

blamin said...


You’re being spoon fed soggy Wheaties, how does it taste?

jhbowden said...

"what needs to be done."

This is a title of a famous essay by Lenin. It is interesting how progressives never state their goals clearly with precision, even 100 years later. The slogan Lenin used was "Peace, Land, Bread!"

What he really meant was concentrate the power into the hands of an omnipotent state. I'm sure that's what you mean too -- nationalist healthcare, nationalist energy, nationalist finance, a pro-dictator foreign policy, and have the state dictate to whatever remains of the market.

Anonymous said...

sure, sure, sure game.

PCD said...

Only the push polled generic Democrat is winning in polls. Try putting specific Democrat policies un spun into the questions and the Donkeys lose like in their 9% approval rating.

Ron said...

Really? You don't know why congress has such low approval ratings but are still favored? Really you don't know?

Bush is very unpopular. People voted to put in a new congress to change some of those policies. They didn't, they rubberstamped everything. Hate 'em and they are coming down to their last chance. There is no way to change you guys and we all know it. The democrats might be fungible if we show them how disgusted we are. Hence hate but..at least for now vote democratic. Unless you are a far right winger. Real life of war and bank failures, warrantless wiretaps,constutional amendment proposing, corporate immunity and on and on have put it right there for all to see who the radicals are.

Ron said...

There you go with your impeccable theory that doesn't stand up to real life Jason.

What do we have now. Concentrated power in a few hands of mostly global corporate(one world government if there ever was one) power dictating every facet of your life.

From how much you get paid to how much they pay in taxes to where we go to war and how they exploit it for tax dollars. A dictator like president that continually uses signing statements and blatantly unconstitutional acts to have to power to do whatever necessary to save us from the "terrorists". In other words, anything he wants.

You really don't get this do you?

No I don't want a totally socialized society. I also don't want one that you apparently envision. Where we fall in the middle is where the debate comes in but I will never accept the far right Laisse-Faire capitalism/Corporatism model.