Saturday, July 26, 2008

Grant, agent wait for Packers to call

This is getting a little old.
First, you treat one of the best QB's in NFL history like crap, then you can't even return the calls of your best RB.
It is rare for a team to actually TRY to be worse than the year before, but the Packers are going for it.
I'll watch the Brewers and let all the homers who are basically droids following the Packers deal with that mess.


Dad29 said...

Do you REALLY believe everything that Grant's agent tells the press?

Because if you are that gullible, I want to tell you about this fabulous investment property, lakeside, in Nevada...

Marshal Art said...

The Pack does seem it wants to self-destruct. That's good. Our offensive situation in Chicago is still shakey.