Wednesday, July 09, 2008


This is the exact problem with the black community...
A vast majority of their leaders are not interested in leading anyone to a better life.
This is shown again by the words of Jesse Jackson.

Now, I have stated many times that when Obama talks to black crowds about staying in school, being a real man and raising a child instead of being a sperm donor, and to stop thinking the only thing you can do is rap, play in the NBA or sell drugs, he is doing the right thing.

So why the hell is Jesse Jackson pissed off?

HE should be saying the same thing. EVERY black "leader" should be saying the same thing.

Why do you think it is that black "leaders" stress being pissed off at white people, the govt and slavery instead of the correct messages?


Anonymous said...

A vast majority of leaders or simply the ones that gain the most press?

Jackson has one goal- more press for himself. I was living in Chicago when he protested the expulsion of students involved in a fight at a football game. He arrived at the protest in a stretch limo. Priceless!

blamin said...

Help me out here. How can you neuter a neuteree whom is so obviously missing that which would be neutered?

Anonymous said...

OBH looked down on church-going, gun-owning people from PA. Now he is looking down on Jesse’s constituency. Does this mean that Mr. Himeytown will not be in BHO's cabinet. I was not shocked by the statement, but I was surprised he ended his sentence with the preposition "off". Shouldn't it be “I want to cut off his nuts”?

Ron said...

Can't find much to disagree with here Game. As a wacky liberal you know I find racism as immoral(from any race) and cultural diversity as a huge plus.

The problem is the black culture of today honors and reveres ganstas and pimps and all kinds of worthless slugs that gave up when it came to the hard challenges.
I understand and believe that they had greater obsticles than most. I saw it with my own eyes.

There is a difference in lack of opportunity and ignoring opportunity.
I am white and have lived my entire life as a borderline poor person. I have a good work ethic and give it my best everyday. Yet that doesn't get it done in todays world. It's all about how little they can pay you. It didn't use to be like that believe it or not.

I'm not going to give up and be a pimp. I'm going to continue to improve myself and keep my eyes open should opportunity knock. I'm going to fight to get people to reward and honor work again rather than wealth. Then maybe hard working people can get a good paying job no matter what the color.

The Game said...
