Sunday, July 13, 2008

John McCain's Home While He Was a POW in Vietnam

All McCain had to do was bad mouth his country and he would have been let free.

Liberals like Obama, his wife, Murtha, and a long long list bash America in prime time on a weekly basis.

Who do you think will but country over party?


Anonymous said...

certainly not mccain, not anymore. his actions as a pow are heroic, as he is quick to point out. and i can think of no one who disagrees.

however, now he votes with bush 95% of the time. all you whiners about the lack of "true conservatives" in the the republican party, how government has increased and fiscal responsibility has gone down the drain, need only look to your presidential candidate who has put presidential power and party power above true conservative values. here is a man who was tortured for years in vietnam, who said he was against torure, and yet voted with his president and his party to NOT ban use of torture by the us.

don't get all high and mighty about country over party when you are talking about your candidate or any of the top republican candidates.

Anonymous said...

What a RIGHT ON comment on this RIGHT ON site!

Ron said...

You seem to be able to find plenty wrong with this country Game. Why is it so bad if other do?