Monday, July 21, 2008

Keeping Obama honest on his energy lack of policy

Obama released a national ad saying he would "fast-track alternatives" to imported oil. On closer examination, his proposal is to spend $150 billion over the coming decade on energy research. Ten years doesn't sound all that "fast" to us, and there's no guarantee that the research will result in less oil being imported.


Anonymous said...

I am not saying we shouldn't drill but we should also be honing the new technologies in alternative energy.

The Game said...

I agree...but Democrats ONLY want to look for this alternative energy that has not done anything for 40 years...We must drill as much as possible NOW AND AND AND get our heads out of our asses and find other ways to run cars

TerryN said...

We could extract a lot of oil in ten years for $150G. Yes we should research new energy. Bit I can't for the life of me understand why the party of the working class is shoving their false environmental policies up the working classes gasholes.

We can extract petroleum with out damaging the environment it comes from.

Anonymous said...

maybe but we can't burn it without damaging the environment it goes to.