Monday, July 07, 2008

Liberal jackass quote of the day


Barack Obama (Leader of the Don't Drill Democrats)
"Opening our coastlines to offshore drilling would take at least a decade to produce any oil at all, and the effects on gasoline prices would be negligible at best since America only has three percent of the world's oil."

**I'm sure Barack believes he is correct on this matter.......BECAUSE HE DOESN'T BELIEVE IN THE POWER OF AMERICA!!!FDR ordered the production of the atomic bomb, an impossible task. It was done in five years...JFK ordered the nation to put a man on the moon, an impossible task. It was done in less than a decade...Reagan ordered the Soviets to tear down the Berlin Wall, an impossible task. It was done in less than five years.This is what great leaders can accomplish in America, because the American people with a great objective in mind can do anything. If we had a leader who ordered America to become independent from foreign energy sources in 10 years, and to get it done in an environmentally clean way, we could get it done (oil, coal, nuclear, wind, solar, etc)....The impossible task is always possible in this great land. It is such a belief and ability to get the job done that has made this the greatest country on Earth.Maybe Barack knows he's not the leader to get such a project done, though. Nah, he's much to arrogant to think he'd be the problem........Seems to me Obama doesn't believe in America or the American people to get it done.So much for "hope." Which is what should scare us the most when he calls for "change."**


Scorpion said...

The "change" will be tough to deal with...imagine that.....

jhbowden said...

Technically Obama is correct-- oil is a global commodity. Contrary to leftist hysteria about monopoly and price gouging, the oil business is pretty close to perfect competition as anything can get. For example, Alaskan oil can easily be put on a boat and sold to consumers in Japan. It's a global economy.

I have no problem with domestic oil exploration. I have no problem with importing foreign oil either. It makes me cringe to hear conservative foot-soldiers like Sean Hannity and Newt Gingrich preach BS about "energy independence," a term used by environmentalists who literally want us to be free from energy, and by the paleocon isolationists who don't want America to trade with other countries. Energy *interdependence* is the best policy if one cares about consumers.

Ron said...

Your Gas fettish is getting quite chuckle worthy.

The Game said...

no ron, you sticking to your alternative energy line from 1965 is laughable. But if you are going to stick to the past, shouldn't you believe in global cooling?

Anonymous said...

"Reagan ordered the Soviets to tear down the Berlin Wall, an impossible task. It was done in less than five years."

Surely, the author understands that Reagan had nothing to do with the collapse of the Soviet empire??

The Game said...

there is hash with his hard core stupidity