Saturday, July 12, 2008

McCain and Obama tied?

McCain is now viewed favorably by 56% of voters, Obama by 54%. Obama receives unfavorable reviews from 44% of voters while McCain is viewed unfavorably by 41%. McCain earns favorable ratings from 32% of Democrats while Obama is viewed favorably by 22% of Republicans. Among unaffiliated voters, McCain is viewed favorably by 58%, Obama by 54%.

How is this possible?
The media is not only in bed for Obama, it is having his baby.
I think when you ad the fact he has done absolutely nothing at all in his political career, people are seeing what he said in the primary (what he really thinks, not what he will start saying to see "moderate"), and enough people understand Obama stands for high taxes, weak against terror and no drilling...even though McCain is too much of a wimp to even confront Obama on ANYTHING, enough people are atleast skeptical.


Anonymous said...

Game, what do you MEAN, "how"?

Don't you EVER leave the hermetically sealed bubble of far-right wing blogging and seek out moderate Republican, centrist, traditionally conservative, and, most of all, AMERICAN bloggers who chronicle Barky's multiple daily gaffes?

Are you not aware that there is a growing movement of Americans who place country before party, in opposition to this sham candidate?

You keep asking "why", "why", but the answer is in front of your face!

Some of us are tired of extremism and incompetence. Why would we want four more years of it, with an unqualified black man, a Manchurian candidate, at the helm?

McCain has his bad spots, I admit.

But he at least LIKES America.

Shouldn't this be a job prerequisite?

Everything else, we will all iron out later, somehow...

We don't even know where Barky was BORN.

Anonymous said...

actually, we DO know where senator obama was born--honolulu, hawaii.

the "how" that they are so close is that people don't know obama very well yet, and the so-called liberal media is mccain's base, giving him a pass on almost every gaffe and lie.

obama loves america, always has always will. you have no basis to assert otherwise.

Anonymous said...

I don't know that, anonymous.

The fake birth certificate that Barky furnishes on his website was clearly not printed in 1961...the typeset is that of the type of printer commonly used only within the last two decades.

No authentication, no seal, nothing to indicate it is genuine.

In his book, he claims to have actually held his birth certificate, during school, with other personal documents.

Why can he not show us THAT one, then? He refuses to even personally address the subject. He could hold a brief press conference and present the document, and any doubts would be washed away within a few minutes!

But this arrogant, unqualified, incompetent, evasive liar, this Manchurian candidate, thinks he is above such transparency, so where are the "new" politics?

Can it be that this is simply the worst presidential candidate Americans have ever seen, and the only thing new is his color?

The only thing this savage loves is himself. He despises America, aims to dismantle every single aspect of American culture and identity, turn what's left of it into a crime-ridden, filthy, third-world nation (or, at the very least, Chicago), and blame the "bitters" for it all.

That is a FACT.

Now, commence your incessant wailing about "racism" that no one cares about anyway...

jhbowden said...

Perhaps Grandpa Democrat from Arizona has a chance after all.

Anonymous said...

He most certainly does....if certain self-described "conservatives" would wake up and get their immediate priorities in order!

Unknown said...

The fake birth certificate that Barky furnishes on his website was clearly not printed in 1961...the typeset is that of the type of printer commonly used only within the last two decades. No authentication, no seal, nothing to indicate it is genuine.
Hash, what are you smoking? You should listen to one of your own that there is no reason to doubt the authenticity of the birth certificate. No one ever claimed it was from the 60s; it was always and only a recent reprint of what the state has in its database. And, yes, there is a seal and a date.

Why can he not show us THAT one, then? He refuses to even personally address the subject. He could hold a brief press conference ...
There's a rumor going around (that I DO NOT BELIEVE) that McCain was trained as a "Manchurian Candidate" by his captors in Vietnam (google it--conservative sites were spreading that rumor during the primary) which explains why his former captor now supports his candidacy. Yet John McCain refuses to hold a press conference to address the rumor ....

See how dumb that sounds?

Anonymous said...

"That is a FACT."

what a f**king joke! there's not one single fact offered.

Anonymous said...

"You should listen to one of your own..."

How would YOU know who "one of my own" is, you simple ninny?

I abhor LGF, have denounced the shirt laundress from the very beginning, and am totally disgusted by the usual yammerings from "allah", etc.

Unfortunately, the paid neocon shills happen to have reasons not to want to see the planned outcome materialize.

That doesn't affect the reality that the nation is moving from one extremist partisan threat, the BCF, to an unvetted, radical, black-supremacist one.

And your unwillingness to seriously address crucial discrepancies between the charismatic image you want to buy into, and the actuality of this empty suit you are willing to foist on all Americans-for worship of an IDEAL!-is not something I'm prepared to support.

At some point, country must trump party.

My prayer would be, that you'd be able to recognize this, just as I regularly chide game and his buddies.

Unknown said...

So, Hash, do you or do you not acknowledge the birth certificate as real?

I'm not even going to try to talk you down off the ledge from the rest of your comments, but as I replied only to a specific charge of yours, I'd like you to address it. The post I linked to was a McCain supporter clearly pointing out how and why everything you said or implied about the birth certificate issue was bogus, including specific refutation of the claim that there was no seal on the document. Have you been convinced, or will you keep repeating your lie?

Anonymous said...

McCain was born in the Panama Canal Zone in 1936, which constitutionally disqualifies him from being president since he is not a 'natural-born' citizen. It's just a technicality and after all, isn't the Constitution "just a godamn piece of paper".

Anonymous said...

If Barack Obama turns out to have been born in the Panama Canal Zone, I'll be happy to give the subject a rest.