Tuesday, July 01, 2008

New Iraq report: 15 of 18 benchmarks satisfactory

So, ANOTHER reports shows that we are doing quite well in Iraq, better than anyone could have wanted just a few years ago, and BHO wants to pull the rug out from this Democracy in the middle east so we can have ourselves a blood bath and make sure that any soldier who died in this war died in vein.
Hey liberals, this is your chance to show that you actually do care about America, that you actually do want the USA to do well and win.
When a positive report comes out, the patriotic and correct thing to do would be to compliment the military show how proud you are of your country.
But no, you save your press conferences to smear the military service of a POW and to make up lies about soldiers killing innocent people.
But no, no, no...I'm sure you just LOVE this country.
Not too many people buy that lie anymore....if they did BHO would be winning in every poll by 25 points.


Anonymous said...

it's good to see progress in iraq, if it were true. what you fail to mention is that this is the white house's assessment. what would you expect them to say?

if we're winning, why do we have to stay there any longer?

and this "smear the military career" bullshit is just that, bullshit. clark did no such thing. my cousin was a marine fighter pilot who was shot down by enemy fire. he commanded a squadron. he would be the first to tell you that this experience in no way qualifies him to be president of the united states.

ps: i love this country. i hate this administration's "policies".

Marshal Art said...

First of all, it's not whether or not being shot down is a qualification for president. It's that the Weasel saw fit to throw the cheap shot at all. Does McCain use his POW history as a qualification? I don't think so. Does any of his supporters? Possibly, but so what? What of Obama's? They use his public speaking skills as qualification. How stupid is that?

Second of all, what makes you think the White House would bullshit about Iraq meeting benchmarks? Al Gore doesn't work there. They know such things can be checked.

Third of all, meeting benchmarks doesn't mean it's time to go. It means we're getting closer to the time when we can. The only benchmark the really matters is that Iraq can handle things without us, and as close as they are to doing that, they ain't there yet. Be patient. All in good time.

jhbowden said...

Obama's surrogates *are* slandering the military service of John McCain (D-AZ). I guess they think being a community activist qualifies you for being POTUS.

It wasn't like McCain chucked his medals, or slandered his friends, unlike a recent presidential candidate.

McCain survived in a socialist POW camp for FIVE YEARS. He stuck with his comrades, even when he had the chance to leave. Obama in contrast hangs with domestic terrorists, anti-American preachers-- that is his "judgment to lead?" And BHO proudly wears the turban, but has a problem wearing a flag pin, or saying the pledge of allegiance. It is obvious which side he is on.

This is a testament to the rampant liberal bias in our major media institutions.

The Game said...

perfect, well done...
Now, since you speak the whole truth and throw it out there, liberals will have a heart attack.
They get more and more loud the more your comment is correct...

Anonymous said...

"has a problem wearing a flag pin, or saying the pledge of allegiance. It is obvious which side he is on."

All blatant lies and you know it. Your intellectual prowess is something to be proud of....

The Game said...

there ya go...don't talk about BHO, make sure people dont know what he REALLY thinks and what he REALLY does, who he REALLY hangs out with...

Anonymous said...

"Does McCain use his POW history as a qualification? I don't think so."

are you f**king kidding me? of course he does. have you seen his tv ads? you know the ones with him lying on a cot?

and if you are not ignorant, then you know that clark responded directly to a question by bob schieffer.

Bob Schieffer: I have to say, Barack Obama has not had any of those experiences either, nor has he ridden in a fighter plane and gotten shot down. I mean-

GENERAL WESLEY CLARK: Well, I don't think riding in a fighter plane and getting shot down is a qualification to be President.

there it is.

"Second of all, what makes you think the White House would bullshit about Iraq meeting benchmarks? Al Gore doesn't work there. They know such things can be checked."

are you f**king kidding me? the white house has bullshitted on everything they've ever done. AND they've moved EVERY goal post that's ever been placed on the playing field since the aumf was passed.

"all in good time" yeah, right. 100 years?

PCD said...

Hey, Anonymous, What about JFK riding his sunken PT109 to the Presidency?

Oh, I forgot, JFK was a Democrat, so anything goes.


Anonymous said...

pcdummy, i have no problem with sidney riding his pow experience all the way to the white house. just don't deny that he's doing it. and if someone says that it doesn't qualify him to be commander in chief, get your head out of your ass and say, "maybe not, but i think it does." it's opinion and it's valid.

PCD said...


Well, gutless, if you Democrats would debate on points, not on your made up slander, we might get somewhere.

You don't get to be a Captain in the Navy without being a good, managing executive. Can BHO say he did anything accept bribes?

Marshal Art said...


He does NOT use it as a qualification for the presidency, whether he speaks of it in his ads or not. Nice try.

Just to be clear, I am not a McCain supporter. I only think he's far less crappy than the totally crappy choice of a Barry O.

One more thing. Saying the White House lies requires some proof. Please don't give me the WMD crap again. There was no lie there.