Monday, July 28, 2008

Obama leads in fund raising in 5-county Milwaukee metro area

Here is another indicator of why Obama is going to win.
If he can raise more money in Waukesha and Washington county...Waukesha, Ozaukee and Washington counties haven’t voted for a Democrat for president since Lyndon Johnson ran and won in 1964....then I don't see how McCain has a shot.

Bush won those counties 2 to 1


Dad29 said...

I'll try to be gentle here.

"Fundraising" has nothing to do with "winning"--

The fact that a number of Lefties actually live in Waukesha County, and Ozaukee County, merely proves that anyone can buy a house anyplace.

blamin said...

What a shame!

Perhaps this is just a first step towards an unpleasant awakening process for this country. Maybe these last couple generations need a concrete example of why liberalism doesn’t work (no-thanks to what passes for history in the public schools).

OR, maybe this is a first step towards fulfilling prophecy.

I would have poo-paa’ed that sentiment mere weeks ago, but after observing the starry eyed cheering crowds, the sycophant press, and the build up of the cult of personality that is Obama, I’m starting to see things in a whole new light.

Regardless, we’ll get what we deserve.