Friday, July 25, 2008

One big reason for media bias

As I have said before, the media doesn't necessarily present a bias for one party on purpose, but when they all think a certain way, the person bias shines through no matter how hard they try.
We all know the media votes for Dems about 80 to 20

Here is the money break down for this election cycle: (I read the info before, but got motivated to write about it after seeing this chart on fred's site)

They are liberal, they think liberal, they see things from that side..that is it.
Watch the great McCain video showing how they are falling over eachother to talk about how awesome BHO is....
Hey, they are just being honest...but all that positive attention makes people on the fence think they might be wrong about Obama and just take his side. People in the middle don't have a strong belief system, so if they are made to believe everyone thinks BHO is awesome...they will lean that way.


Anonymous said...

so you are going to believe a chart that show zero dollars, that's zero with a "z", to republicans from Fox?