Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Summerfest kicks out the military display(Updated)

Make sure to read update below

A bunch of slimy, wimpy anti-American slime balls have complained to Summerfest about a military display that allows people to do push-ups and play the military video game.

Summerfest has kicked out part of the military's virtual reality display.

For the first time at any state fair, county fair or festival, the military has been asked to take down this display because a few people that are offended by the very people that allow them to walk around and hate their country freely.

Summerfest allows every swear word in the world, every bimbo to show every inch of skin...but it is the military...the people who choose, on their own, to put their lives on the line for us...they are the ones we need to get rid of...

That says a lot about what liberals think of the troops.
They can lie and say they care about the troops, then they kick out the military from summerfest, they protest the job they do, they vandalize recruitment offices.

Just remember that when you think about who you want running the military.
A former POW and war hero, or someone who is friends with people who bomb the pentagon.

UPDATE: Summerfest offended by a game depicting our soldiers in a positive light.

Summerfest has forced the military to take down their simulation of what it is that soldiers do...
Now, Jay can make a pathetic comment saying that the military did it on their own, but anyone with a brain would have to wonder WHY would the military take it down?
Because Summerfest told them too.
And about 30 feet away you have Grand Theft Auto where kids can shoot cops.
It's pathetic, and anyone who defends Summerfest for making the military take this down is pathetic as well...

Jay either lied or is just misinformed when he makes the only argument liberals can make in this situation...Liberals can't admit THEY are the ones who made this display be taken down...because a VAST majority of the American people do not agree with them.

Here is the proof...from the veterans for peace web site:
Here is the post from the Veterans for you can say you are sorry for not having a clue any time you want...The military has a clear and dangerous presence at Milwaukee's Summerfest (June 26 - July 6, 200. One exhibit is especially offensive: kids as young as 13 years old can aim automatic weapons from atop a humvee at a large screen to virtually kill people. UPDATE: Summerfest office was so flooded with calls objecting to the recruiters tactics that they they made them raise the minimum age to 18 and stop giving out the game DVD's. We will continue to hound them to shut this completly down, but it was gratifying to get some immediate results. Thank you to everyone who made phone calls! We do not want to desensitize our youth to the violence of "war," nor cultivate the twisted reality that our aggression in the Middle East is "war," when the truth is that the overwhelmingly casualties are innocent civilians. The setting for this bloodshed is a residential area with "targets" of uncertain identity moving through the streets. This aggrandizement of violence and glorification of our illegal invasions abroad is xenophobic, profane, and undermines the basic values we strive to live by in America. This Army atrocity is located next to a rock stage as it targets youth; while they ask for an ID to prove age 13 or older, they willingly accept a child's word and collect their name, age, address, etc.; no doubt for future recruitment. Summerfest representative Dan Minahan barks that the festival is a place to "forget about the war" where one can "enjoy real high entertainment value." War is NOT a game, and this exhibit needs to be shut down immediately. Please call the Summerfest administrative office and demand that it be shut down: 414-273-2680. (When I called, the person filled out a form with my concerns; I left my name & ZIP code; I did not give my phone #.)


Jay Bullock said...

Summerfest has kicked out the military.

No. The Army removed a video game from their display.

For the first time at any state fair, county fair or festival, the military has been asked to leave ...

No. The Army removed a video game from their display.

then they kick out the military from summerfest ...

No. The Army removed a video game from their display.

Look, you can dislike the fact that Summerfest felt that letting little kids get into a toy Hummer and blow up people with a machine was a bad move. You can call Summerfest and complain. You can go down to the vandalized recruitment center and sign up for a tour. You can mail a care package. Whatever. But lying about what actually happened is not a good option for you.

Anonymous said...

It's especially pathethic Game, because it's the week of the 4th when we celebate our Independence and honor the brave men and women who defend it. I will be calling the Summerfest office to express my disgust.

The Game said...

Here is the post from the Veterans for you can say you are sorry for not having a clue any time you want...

The military has a clear and dangerous presence at Milwaukee's Summerfest (June 26 - July 6, 200. One exhibit is especially offensive: kids as young as 13 years old can aim automatic weapons from atop a humvee at a large screen to virtually kill people.

UPDATE: Summerfest office was so flooded with calls objecting to the recruiters tactics that they they made them raise the minimum age to 18 and stop giving out the game DVD's. We will continue to hound them to shut this completly down, but it was gratifying to get some immediate results. Thank you to everyone who made phone calls!

We do not want to desensitize our youth to the violence of "war," nor cultivate the twisted reality that our aggression in the Middle East is "war," when the truth is that the overwhelmingly casualties are innocent civilians. The setting for this bloodshed is a residential area with "targets" of uncertain identity moving through the streets. This aggrandizement of violence and glorification of our illegal invasions abroad is xenophobic, profane, and undermines the basic values we strive to live by in America.

This Army atrocity is located next to a rock stage as it targets youth; while they ask for an ID to prove age 13 or older, they willingly accept a child's word and collect their name, age, address, etc.; no doubt for future recruitment.

Summerfest representative Dan Minahan barks that the festival is a place to "forget about the war" where one can "enjoy real high entertainment value." War is NOT a game, and this exhibit needs to be shut down immediately.

Please call the Summerfest administrative office and demand that it be shut down: 414-273-2680. (When I called, the person filled out a form with my concerns; I left my name & ZIP code; I did not give my phone #.)

PCD said...

Jay is just a lying sack, and Anonymous is no better.

Ship both of them to the Democrat heaven of Zimbabwe.

Anonymous said...

I see, so it's bad for people to see what real soldiers, who defend our freedom, do but it's okey dokey for kids to shoot cops in Grand Theft Auto?? How insane is that? I think I'll call and protest the GTA game.

Anonymous said...

All I have to say is, read "Stop Teaching Our Kids To Kill" by LTC Dave Grossman U.S. Army Retired.

Scorpion said...

This display has had no problem anywhere before this..imagine that...yet,every vile lyric and song including much worse garbage is allowed and "left" imagining that....

Zach W. said...

So Chris, you think it's a-okay for 13 year-olds to be able to hop on a Humvee and simulate killing people?

As a parent, I just don't think that's appropriate, and that's why I'm glad it was taken down. If it was being used as a recruiting tool, as some have alleged, then why allow individuals as young as 13 hop on board? Is the Army hoping to get a 5 year head start on recruiting for the next war?

The Game said...

1. 13 year olds should not be playing the game or in the virtual machine...but their parents should be doing all they can to make sure they raise children who understand and respect soldiers...and I think that is part of the point of the display...
2. Why do you take it down because this imaginary 13 year old was on it...just make sure you change the age limit...which is not going on in regards to the GTA game...
3. Soldiers kill, its a fact of life, you should be happy they do it so someone doesn't do it to you

Jay Bullock said...

Jay is just a lying sack
Care to back that up with something? What did I lie about? Name one thing.

The Game said...

I don't like the word lie, because it is unknown if an incorrect statement was based on bad information or deliberate.

Trying to sell the military decision to take out the video game as an independant decision that had nothing to do with the veterans for peace is flat out wrong..
And I guess if you visited their web site and knew they had an organized campaign to get the display taken down then your statement would then have to be a lie.

PCD said...


You lie about almost everything just to advance your wingnut left agenda, and you've been caught multiple times.

I haven't seen your apology to the Game about lying about Democrats not wanting to raise taxes.

I've not seen you apologize to Fred D. for the lie you told about him.

And I don't believe you and nothing to do with this, either.