Sunday, August 17, 2008

DNC Chair Howard Dean Calls GOP the ‘White’ Party

"If you look at folks of color, even women, they're more successful in the Democratic party than they are in the white, uh, excuse me, in the [laughs] Republican party." video

Nothing surprising here...even though Bush had Rice and Powell on his team, Dean can use the same old tired liberal playbook of putting
white vs minority
rich vs poor
young vs old


Ron said...

rich vs. poor....sign me up. Put me on point. I am unabashedly in favor of that one. You can continue to enrich the few and destroy the country but not without a fight. I'm ready to bring this one on....proudly. You turncoats will just keep blaming liberals for your shrinking share of the pie. Everybody that works and does their job competently and responsibly deserves to make a living. Nobody is entiled to sqew the rules so they get most all of it while you increasingly become a slave. That's not the American dream nor the American spirit. I'm fighting for you and me. You are fighting for them...little do you know cuz you've been brainwashed into thinking that the rich did more to earn theirs than you did. It's a lie.

The Game said...

Ron said:
Everybody that works and does their job competently and responsibly deserves to make a living

I agree 100 percent...your side does not...they want to punish anyone who works hard, gets ahead, makes something out of themselves and give it to people who are a drain on society...and become more of a drain and more dependant with every new liberal handout.

Anonymous said...

"I agree 100 percent...your side does not...they want to punish anyone who works hard, gets ahead, makes something out of themselves and give it to people who are a drain on society...and become more of a drain and more dependant with every new liberal handout."

demonstrably false statement.

The Game said...

I live and teach in liberal failure every day...I have shown and proven and given write three words...ha ha, I win.

jhbowden said...

Ron, based on the words above, is less concerned about helping the poor and more concerned about destroying the successful.

Unlike ron, who uses the poor as a prop to hide his hatred of prosperity, I do want to help the poor. That's why I support policies that promote personal empowerment and economic growth -- school choice, safe neighborhoods, lower taxes, etc. etc.

Conservatism is about bringing others up. Liberalism is about tearing others down.

Marshal Art said...

Conservatism/Christianity is about bringing others up. Liberalism/atheism is about tearing others down.

Sorry Game. An off topoc, inside shot at Jason, with whom I'm usually in total harmony.

Such as on this issue. But let us be crystal clear, we refer to the results of conservative policy vs liberal policy. The label on each says virtually the same thing in regards to helping the downtrodden. Whether both do is where the debate takes place. And in the debate, liberals make the false assertion that conservatives ignore the less fortunate.

Anonymous said...

"Conservatism/Christianity is about bringing others up. Liberalism/atheism is about tearing others down."

marshall, if you think you can successfully link democrats and atheism, you seriously need to leave the doobish alone, and get out and learn something about the real world