Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Deals With Iraq Are Set to Bring Oil Giants Back

What do you think will happen if we elect BHO and he creates a new Vietnam?
Well, no oil...
No freedom
No life for many people (literally, no life)
Prosperity, jobs, a future for Iraq and the world....gone...
I'll thank BHO in advance for f-ing everything up...


Ron said...

wow, glad you are so openminded..of course I already knew how you guys think.
Read "The Authoritarians:

The description fits the radical right perfectly. PCD is a step beyond..or behind is a better word..even you guys. Some people find the authoritarian mindset perfectly acceptable. Just like praying to Christ and promoting wars. There is a rationalization for everything. I have rationalized and thought about your arguments and your policy for myself and find it wildly lacking in the world I live it.Sorry can't do it pals.