Monday, June 23, 2008

Good news for our military and country, bad news for liberals and their media

Only ABC Airs Full Story on Good Iraq News, NBC Can't Resist Caveat

The Pentagon on Monday released a quarterly report showing dramatic reductions in violence in Iraq compared to a year earlier, but only ABC aired a full story Monday evening while NBC gave it short-shrift as anchor Brian Williams cited the reduction in violence “by as much as 80 percent” since “before the so-called troop surge.” He then added a caveat about how the report “also warns the positive trend here remains, quote, 'fragile, reversible and uneven.'” CBS didn't mention the Department of Defense report, but gave a few seconds to a front page USA Today story on how the number of Americans killed by roadside bombs has plummeted 88 percent from a year ago.


Anonymous said...

so because brian williams actually quoted the fuller context of the report, the actual text of the report, he displays liberal bias?

boy is that warped!

great that violence is down, though.

blamin said...

The only reason the MSM reported this is because they had no choice. They would be subject to charges of bias if they didn’t.

If the “Fairness” Doctrine was enforced and we didn’t have talk radio in its current form, if we didn’t have FOX news, if we didn’t have right leaning internet blogs, the MSM would have given even less time (if any at all) to this excellent news.

One can almost picture the major networks, newspapers, and the Associated Press getting together and determining how they must report this, but doing it in such a way as to inflict the least amount of damage to their “cause”.