Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Actually, that would be a very good move.
If Hillary came to Obama's speech tonight and threw her support at him, Obama would be up on McCain by 15 to 20 points by Thursday.
No matter how many moron liberals want to come on here and say I listen to Sean or Rush and just repeat what they say, I understand that unless we keep getting completely stupid move after completely stupid comment every week until November Obama is going to win.
It will be worse for America than when Carter won, much worse, but I guess that is what most likely will happen.
There is always the hope that Dems will screw this up and let the more moderate liberal win.


Anonymous said...

Or...As Dick Morris told Sean last night, they (far-right radio talk show hosts) should probably let McCain steal democratic votes by being not so hard on him.

Loyalist republicans will vote for McCain anyway. There are many moderate democrats who like McCain as well.

The Game said...

I keep being told that, but it never pans out in the polls.
You might be right, but the media and Dems are still going to beat him up as a "conservative" even though he is not
And that is where media bias is so hurtful to America.
We might elect a far, far left wing idiot who is surrounded by people who flat out hate this country, hate everything is stands for, and they are going to "change" it.
Tax the crap out of every one who makes money
Put so many evironmental regulations on business that we completely go into a depression
Cause us to look weak and loose the war on terror

I'm telling you, Obama is going to make Carter look like a great President