Tuesday, June 03, 2008

Taxpayers May Face Hurricane Tab

Keep voting for Dems, they are about to put a HUGE burden on us taxpayers.
Who does this benefit?
The small amount of Americans who decide to live where there are hurricanes...
So lets make sure the entire country foots the bill for risky behavior again.
Democrats want to put taxes on potato chips and McDonalds because it is bad for you,
but they are willing to subsidize and encourage people to live where their house can be destroyed.
Then they will complain that we have a deficit.


Anonymous said...

so i guess people should move out of florida, georgia, the carolinas, texas, mississippi becasue hurricanes hit there, too. or didn't you know that? and those people get special tax and insurance benefits from the government every time their homes get ruined by a hurricane.

then we better move everybody out of the midwest and plains states because people shouldn't live where tornadoes happen.

then let's get them out of california, oregon, washington and alaska where earthquakes cause huge devastation and are subject to tidal waves from pacific earthquakes.

and people should move out of the mississippi and missouri valley flood plains because you'd have to be crazy to live where devastating floods occur every few decades.

can you be that stupid?

The Game said...

So you want the federal government to pay for every single problem we ever have anywhere?
You would have loved the USSR...
That didn't work, and neither will your new "changed" America