Monday, June 02, 2008

Pelosi shows how much she loves America

I wonder how tough it is for Pelosi to look herself in the mirror.
Even as every single report given, as every single general and commander and military expert is saying the vastly improved conditions in Iraq are due to GWB's you have Pelosi trying to get everyone to think our military has failed, and that any success we have is because of Iran...

"Whatever the military success and progress that may have been made, the surge didn't accomplish its goal. And some of the success of the surge is that the goodwill of the Iranians -- they decided in Basra when the fighting would end, they negotiated that cessation of hostilities -- the Iranians."

She is clearly anti-American, and so is her party since it is their stance to bash the war and the troops no matter how well they are doing.
At least they get power out of bashing American...what do the rest of you liberals get out of it?


jhbowden said...

Here is the left's foreign policy.

Keep in mind, when Pelosi was trying to be friends with Assad, Kim Jong Il was helping him build a nuclear reactor. Big Bad Evil Israel had to do the world a service and take it out.

Chris VE said...

Will you stop with the "anti-American" hyperbole? Just because someone has a different approach than you doesn't mean they hate the country.

The Game said...

no sir, you are wrong in this case.
The far left like Pelsoi are actively rooting for our defeat.
Even as we are winning huge in Iraq they still get infront of the world and say we are losing. They want us to lose, they need us and the American people to think we are losing so they can gain more power.
There is no other way to put it.
She doesn't have an approach besides defeat or giving credit to our enemies for any success.

Chris VE said...

Wow, you exemplify what is wrong with the political discourse today. Your attitude of "not only do I disagree with you, but you also are a bad person who hates the country" poisons the debate on important issues. It must be nice throwing pot-shots from the cheap seats.

The Game said...

This is not one of those issues...
When our country is doing a good job, it is flat out, 100% Anti-American to go to the press and say we have lost, we are losing, we are murders and any credit goes to Iran...all things said on national TV, in the media about our military.
Reality check: We are doing a great job since the surge, our boys were found not guilty and did not murder anyone, we are not like the Nazis or Pol Pot's army, we are the good guys.

Anonymous said...

This is nonsense. Based on your logic, someone spends 30 or more years serving in Congress because they hate America. Doesn't make sense. I might agree if you said Pelosi hates George Bush Jr. and the things he's done to the country. But not that she hates America and only because a weakened America will somehow make her more powerful. It don't add up, young man.

The Game said...

that is why she is in congress, to "change" america. It's racist, a bully, has too much power, pollutes to much, wastes too much food, doesn't give enough to the poor, and kills innocent people.
She looks for the bad in anything the military or Bush does...and when I say "she" you can include a vast majority of liberals