Saturday, June 28, 2008

MPS lags in special ed funds

Just read MPS's answer to why they don't get enough aid, it doesn't even make sense.
Once again, we see that MPS is filled with incompetent people who are either to lazy or stupid to do their jobs properly.
The joke among those of us who are professionals and can do a good job is that the more incompetent you are, the higher up the ladder you go in MPS.
The sad thing is the number of people who simply have no clue at all keeps going up.
A lot of people who just come to school to collect a paycheck, don't have a real teaching license, have no skills, no work ethic.
So again, the children get hurt and we create another generation of kids who have no job skills, and the only job they they are going to be able to do is work at Walmart, fast food or MPS.