Sunday, June 29, 2008

City Vehicles Painted with Anti-Obama Sayings

It is possible these are some right wing people...
But based on just about every other story of "racism" it is usually liberals having to make up fake cases of racism to further their cause...
We shall see what happens here...

For those of you who don't remember, here are a few cases of liberals making up cases of racism:


jhbowden said...

I blame the L-Ron supporters!


PCD said...

Anyone seen any of the liberals who post here? Just kidding, but I wouldn't put it past the Moore machine to do the deed to get sympathy for Obama, and to generate cover for their later vandalism of GOP get out the vote vans.

Marshal Art said...

I did it.

Anonymous said...

Game, your old "few cases" have zip to do with this situation, and are furthermore complete bullshit. is indeed possible that the thugs associated with Obama are responsible for the vandalism. It does indeed fit the MO of the most hardcore Obama followers, on the East Coast at least.

And that would be why many of us reject Barky. Country MUST come before party.

Barack Obama represents four more years of the same inexperience and incompetence we were saddled with under Bush, only with a pronounced "soul flavoring".

(Translation: European Marxism combined with black liberation theology.)

Or, put more succinctly? Those of us that are not black can expect to be murdered in our beds, without anyone raising a finger to do a thing about it.