Sunday, December 02, 2007

Firehouse incident with noose was a hoax

I'm just going to come out and say it:

You like to make fun of Ann and throw out the race card libearls, but we are correct once again.
Liberals need to make up stories of all this racism so it can seem like they are still needed, so they can seem like they are fighting the good fight and sticking up for the little man.

Just about every time there is a story of blatant racism, a liberal has made up the story.
Just because liberals can't remember ACTUAL facts, only their made up stories, lets list just a few once again:

-- In 1997, at Duke University, a black doll was found hanging by a noose from a tree at the precise spot where the Black Student Alliance was to be holding a rally against racism. Two black students later admitted they were the culprits and were immediately praised for bringing attention to the problem of racism on campus. Indeed, four years later the president of Duke gave a baccalaureate address nostalgically describing the hoax as a "protest" against racism. Next stop: the Nobel Peace Prize.
-- In 2003, vile racial epithets were scrawled on the dorm room doors at Ole Miss, producing mass protests and a "Say No to Racism" march. And then it turned out the graffiti had been written by black students, against whom no charges were brought. A "Say Yes to Racism" rally at Ole Miss was later canceled due to lack of interest.
-- In 2005, obscenity-laced racist and anti-Semitic messages appeared on dormitory walls at the College of Wooster in Ohio. The fliers were instantly blamed on "typical white males," even though all the letter I's in the epithets were dotted with little hearts. Breadcrumbs left by the culprits included the message "Vote Goldwater" among the obscenities. The matter was dropped and flushed down the memory hole when the perpetrators turned out to be a group of leftist students led by a black studies major.
-- Just this year, anti-Muslim fliers were put out on the George Washington University campus -- by leftists, including a member of "Iraq Veterans Against War." When it was thought the leaflets were from the conservative group Young Americans For Freedom, the dean called for the expulsion of the culprits and the university demanded that YAF officers sign a statement disavowing "hate speech." But when it turned out leftists had distributed the fliers, the matter was dropped faster than Larry Craig was dropped from Mitt Romney's campaign.The one real example of racism on a college campus in recent memory was perpetrated against white men of the Duke lacrosse team. As that injustice was being perpetrated, gender and ethnic professors at Duke kept droning on about the "racism and sexism" students "live with every day" -- as the professors put it in an open letter that falsely presumed the players were guilty of rape.

--Then add in the made up stories about Iraq from the fake soldiers and you have story after story after story after story of liberals having to go into fantasy land to try and make their perception about what actually happens in real life.
Liberals, maybe you should start seeing a pattern here. You believe the world is a terrible place with evil white people running around being racist all day long. How many more fake stories do you need before you will start to realize your hippie movement is not needed anymore?


Anonymous said...


The Game said...

In a battle of the minds you get shut out

Anonymous said...

Correction. It was Young America's Foundation, not Young Americans for Freedom

blamin said...

What a bunch of twits!

I was going to expound on that statement but nothing further needs saying!

Merit-less morons, laughable lefties! Is there a difference?

Anonymous said...

For the record, the Wooster incident was not "flushed down the memory hole." In fact, the students involved were all suspended for as much as three semesters.

Scorpion said...

Then the penalties were much too "liberal" especially if they came back mad about it having the same point of view...

Anonymous said...

Despite an enormous anti-US feeling toward the cut and run Europe, the Web has became the new counter-power for Europeans concerned about the War on Terror, the triumph of the idea of freedom and for all the Europeans who deeply admire President George W. Bush and see him as a new Ronald Reagan.

Just take a look on this blog :

Let a message under the article ("commentaires) to support Republican revolution in Europe. It certainly needs a lot of courage to refuse political correctness and US hatred and to look for the truth about the USA and the party of conscience.

PCD said...

The point is that Liberals can violate any rule or law and not get punished as visciously as they try to punish non-liberals.

If the YAF'ers were guilty, they'd be thrown out of the school immediately. You libs just can't apply your own standards and punishments to yourselves, and your massive silence is the admission to that point.