Saturday, December 01, 2007

MSNBC anchor calls Bush a monkey

video of an MSNBC anchor calling bush a monkey
No, no media bias at all


Anonymous said...

do you folks ever stop your emotional rage and hate long enough to do ANY research before you blindly follow michelle's or glen's ranting?

the person was not calling bush "a monkey". she was referring to a game.

this is your proof of media bias? go fish

Ron said...

That's outrageous bias! He is far stupider and worse than that! Why is the so called liberal media being so nice to him when it calls everybody else worse stuff!


your wacky outrage is sooooo funny!

Marshal Art said...

She's quite the cut-up.

The Game said...

I watched the clip and that is what she called him, then tried to cover it up...
I understand why you have to try to make jokes when you are beaten so badly.

blamin said...


I’m sure you’d have no problem with Fox news characterizing Hillary as a shrew, or Obama as a chameleon (or was that Hillary again?), or Edwards as an opossum (or was that a peacock?)!

Just good reporting, I suppose.

Anonymous said...

I didn't like it either...SHe shouldn't have done it.
Remember Huckabe's comment of sending Hilary clinton to mars? Equaly stupid and cheap!

The Game said...

So you are comparing making a silly comment about Hillary to the "fair and balanced" and "not biased" media calling the President of the United States a monkey?
That would explain the liberal mental disorder.

Realism said...

Yeah, but it was Joe Scarborough's show...

That's some real liberal bias there.

The comment was wrong, and she shouldn't have said it.

blamin said...

Well said Game!

If we’re going to compare candidates to the unbiased news media, I wonder what American thinks of Hillary’s “vast (no less!) right wing conspiracy” comments?

Anonymous said...

A presidential candidate talking about sending his political opponent to Mars indirectly meaning her....You get it, don't you? You think it's only 'silly' because he is a republican. Now, you know who has the mental disorder!

I'm not comparing them. I'm just calling both stupid and cheap comments.

Anonymous said...

if you don't know that there actually was a vast right wing conspiracy against the clintons in the 90's then you are uninformed. read The Hunting of the President and then read Blinded by the Right by the one of the republican operatives who was intimately involved.

Anonymous said...

i'll reverse myself and say she did call him a monkey. bad form, not appropriate. hope the network disciplines her.

now will fox do the same for hannity and o'reilly for calling hillary a shrew?

Scorpion said...

Why would anyone be punished for calling the horrid one something that is reasonably accurate??That is like saying anyone would want bozo Bill back in the White House.