Tuesday, December 04, 2007

USA TODAY/Gallup Poll: Significant drops in support for Clinton & Giuliani

Told you so.

I'll give a breakdown of the negatives for each candidate:

Clinton: Just about no one likes her, and all her decisions are based on polls and what she thinks is the best thing to say at the time politically. People are starting to see through her and she is trying to pull the same slimy tricks as her husband, but she is not likable so she can not pull it off.

Obama: Too young, too inexperienced, says too many stupid things that can be used as sound bites against him. And I still think being African American is a slight negative to enough American voters.

Edwards. I think he has the best chance for the Dem's to WIN. He is also a slimeball, but slightly more likable.

Giuliani: Has way to many liberal views. Don't think his tough stances on crime and terror will be enough to allow conservatives to look past everything else.

McCain: He is wishy washy like Hillary, all over the map. Also slides liberal at times.

Thompson: No one knows or remembers he is running.

Romney: Acts way to much like a "politician." Too careful in his answers and he is Mormon.

Huckabee: Too many stories about him raising taxes and other non-conservative values.

So as you can see, I really don't think any of the Republicans can win...unless the Left picks Hillary or Obama...they have enough flaws that they could lose again.


Anonymous said...

Good!! Finally some honesty here in admitting the flaws of leading republcan candidates.

The Game said...

I always say what I think...
I have yet to have any liberal say anything negative about any Democrat

The Game said...

Here is another one...
Bush has failed in the area of fixing the CIA Bill Clinton spent 8 years messing up.

Anonymous said...

was that the cia that told bush that bin laden was planning hijackings and attacks inside the US?

was that the cia that said there were significant doubts about evidence of iraqi wmds?

please explain with facts why edwards is a slimeball.

Andy said...

"I have yet to have any liberal say anything negative about any Democrat"

You clearly have a selective memory.

PCD said...

Anonymous, you are parroting leftards who take sentences out of context to make definitive statements against Bush that are total CRAP.

If we want to use your standard, Iran has the bomb and just hasn't shown it to the world so the NIE says.

Anonymous said...

pcdummy, are you on drugs? "bin laden determined to strike in us" is not a sentence taken out of context.

the fact that the cia had doubts about wmds in iraq is not a sentence taken out of context.