Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Barack Obama: Your Children Should Learn To Speak Spanish

watch this youtube video

It isn't necessarily a bad thing to have your kids learn another language...but where is Obama and EVERYONE ELSE who cares about Hispanic children telling them they NEED to learn ENGLISH...
If you pretend to care about them and don't demand they learn to speak English you are, once again, hurting the people you pretend to care about...


The Game said...

the moron who wrote someting about how Obama does support immigrants learning English does it here in a lame way...he just assumes they will learn it even though they have been learning it less and less from year to year:

"Instead of worrying whether immigrants can learn English, they'll learn English. You need to make sure your kids can speak spanish."

Anonymous said...

As opposed to your hysterical use of a right wing talking point.....

You have such a long track record as a voice of reason. (cough) (cough)

Scorpion said...

People who say nothing here and remain anonymous should clear their throats more might
help them wake up....

Anonymous said...

Scorpion, we're all waiting for you to make your first substantive comment. "That comment was RIGHT ON" doesn't cut it.

Scorpion said...

C'mon Norman..I explained my responses a long time ago...check the archives of this "RIGHT ON" if you think anything
more than the cough was worth commenting on your not worth taking time to look at either..imagine that...keep might improve those comments..still..amusing is good in these not so funny times..keep
trying..."old hash" has been gone a long time........old hash....

Jay Bullock said...

I do hope you'll lead the charge the next time some dumb politician tells us our kids should learn algebra! Or personal finance! Or technology!

God forbid our politicians suggest that we teach our students skills that will help them navigate the world of their future! Bah, humbug!

The Game said...

Thanks for taking my side Jay. it is so obvious that if you want to be successful in this country you need to speak English, yet many refuse to assimilate.
Jay breaks away from the typical liberal who thinks it is wrong to force someone to do something they do not want to do.
Obviously jay is for getting rid of all the failed liberal social programs that allow immigrants to just scrape by with the bare minimum and never pushes them to achieve anything on their own.
Way to go Jay!!!

blamin said...

”God forbid our politicians suggest that we teach our students skills that will help them navigate the world of their future! Bah, humbug!”

God forbid that our politicians suggest that we insist that immigrants learn English, that will help them navigate the world of their future! Bah, humbug!

Anonymous said...

I see your point Scorpion. Game must find it useful to have a lapdog like you around.

Anonymous said...

"I see your point Scorpion. Game must find it useful to have a lapdog like you around."

This goes without saying, for how is it possible for such a worthless candidate as Barky come around, and they STILL can't get a coherent message going?

Game, you are missing the messiah's overriding message. Barack Obama HATES America, and white Americans. He hates this country's language, and he hates this country's true culture. It all must be subjugated, so his own culture can thrive.

My question is, why aren't all of YOUR political party's members on board with English as an exclusive national language? Why do so many of YOURS still support "free" trade giveaways to foreign nations, open borders, bilingual education, and forced multiculturalism?

The ONLY candidate that could have won a mandate in this election is that candidate who forsook labels in favor of an American candidate, with loyalties to no other nation or entity?

Surely you witnessed McCain's pandering to "La Raza"!!

And significant numbers of Republicans stand behind this, even though they are not particularly vocal about it....just as significant numbers of Democrats are thrilled about high gas prices.

It is tolerance of paleoliberal concepts that undermine the nation, that hold you back from being able to vote for the type of candidate that might truly represent your interests...

In the absence of such a person, you'll have to make do with McCain, for the nation's problems are over the head of any neocon candidate, and the alternative (Barky) is too frightening to consider...

I know I am.

The Game said...

I posted "hash's" comment because he is right...obama is terrible for America and Republicans are too pussy to do anything about it...
They have the issues to win, they do nothing about it.

Scorpion said...

Lapdog..hilarious...sure beats the drivel that tries to respond to this RIGHT ON blog....of course,being anonymous is like being nothing at all...and nothing describes an anonymous viewpoint...kind of miss bizarro world old hash compared to the pathetic responses now being seen..not nearly as funny as old hash..old hash..imagine that...

PCD said...

I believe that any teacher pusing Liberal politics in the classroom ought to be fired immediately, as well as those pushing Islam on the kids. I saw Jay's silence on that one.

We have to stop the "We can't do it. I won't let you do it" of the Obamassiah and his clowns. It doesn't advance to anyone's common goals. It only leads to slavery to a liberal tyranny like in Zimbabwe.

Ron said...

I'm thinking this is where Obama is over your head Game. I would personally take it as a given that to live in the United States you need to be fluent in English. Common sense in the most strict sense of the word. What I heard Obama say here is that to compete for the good jobs and know, live the American dream, your kids need to learn Spanish. Just the facts. Not some emotional point that you turn it into.

The Game said...

So you say that it is common sense we speak English?
Why are liberal teachers all over the US teaching in bilingual schools teaching 80% spanish?
You CANT POSSIBLY be in the trenches if you think a majority of liberals demand immigrants speak English.
In fact, Ron is just doing what liberals LOVE to do. When it is shown they take a terrible position or their position hurts people, they simply say that no liberals actually think that.
They are ashamed at what most liberals think...sometimes even themselves.

Marshal Art said...


What good jobs require Spanish? I'm not getting your point. I found Barry's statement rather stupid, since I don't see that English is being learned at quite the rate it needs to be in order to either assimilate or just get along. In fact, I think his statements are a concession that we've lost this fight for English only, or that he does not intend to fight it at all, and as such, being bi-lingual is the only way to go. Well, I don't believe that forcing anyone to learn a second language not of one's choice is something a prez candidate should be pushing. English is still one of the major languages in the world, if not THE major language, particularly business-wise. There is no way a prez candidate should be conceding this issue in favor of a foreign language.

Anonymous said...

Barky opposes the concept of America to begin with, in favor of a unified, global morass, a hodgepodge of cultures....

He does not like or respect anything about America or Americans to begin with, much less English-speaking American culture or values.

Anonymous said...

"Barky opposes the concept of America to begin with, in favor of a unified, global morass, a hodgepodge of cultures....

"He does not like or respect anything about America or Americans to begin with, much less English-speaking American culture or values."

the new hash? this is total idiocy with no possible factual basis. it's simple hateful sputum.

naturally, it's found a home. giving pcdummy a run for his money.