Saturday, July 05, 2008

Boys punished with detention for refusing to pray to Allah

'If Muslims were asked to go to church on Sunday and take Holy Communion there would be war'

This story is a great example of how we have gone from oppressing minority groups to pandering to them and it is the majority's rights that are always trampled.

Think of an instance when a small group of people forced the vast majority to change their behavior.

My example is Christmas. There are cases were as few as one or two parents complain about a Christmas play or party, so an entire school of kids who do want the play or party are punished.


PCD said...


Where are the Libs who scream Separation of Chuch and State?? Where is Jay Bullroar on this one. If WEAC said all student should try praying to Allah, will Jay break ranks or get out a rod to chastise the apostates?

Anonymous said...

pcdummy, i want to hear more of this story. no student should be forced to do any of this. i don't believe this is school policy but the actions of a single teacher. hard to tell. there is very little of the story here. just the words of some irate students. there's more to this than what's being reported here.

PCD said...


Maybe the Game will teach you how to read. There were two schools in the articles.

The article started with a school in the UK. Then, they went on to a school in Minnesota WHERE THE SUBSTITUTE TEACHER MADE THE COMPLAINT!!! Read Anon-a-jerk.