Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Bush Says Drill, Drill, Drill — and Oil Drops $9!

Perfect quote from the article...and it shows why we need to keep Dems out of power...unless you want to pay 10 bucks for a gallon of gas, cause a depression and the loss of millions of jobs:

Democrats keep saying that it will take 10 years or longer to produce oil from the offshore areas. And they say that oil prices won’t decline for at least that long. And they, along with Obama and McCain, bash so-called oil speculators. And today we had a real-world example as to why they are wrong. All of them. Reid, Pelosi, Obama, McCain — all of them.

The congressional ban on offshore drilling expires September 30, so that becomes a key date. A new report from Wall Street research house Sanford C. Bernstein says that California actually could start producing new oil within one year if the moratorium were lifted. The California oil is under shallow water and already has been explored. Drilling platforms have been in place since before the moratorium. They’re talking about 10 billion barrels worth off the coast of California.


TerryN said...

I've been saying this all along but the left claims I'm wrong.

They're solution is windfall profit taxes. How naive...

Anonymous said...

you have yet to answer why the oil companies are not "drill, drill, drill[ing]" in the 44,000,000 acres of offshore fields they currently lease. this is all a manufactured issue for political gain.

PCD said...


Some of those leases are tied up in court battles by your watermelon friends. Some are put off limits by Costal Governors.

And the best one yet, the Oil Company surveys may show that THERE'S NO OIL THERE!

Only fools like you think there has to be oil in every leased acre.

Anonymous said...

pcdummy, so the oil companies leased all these offshore fields why exactly? they enjoy spending money on leases where there is no oil, huh?

and your source for this information is...?

Ron said...

anon..he only makes sense to himself. His facts are from talk radio. I have little doubt he investigates on his own. His truth is "assumed".