Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Surge meets purge

The McCain camaign is poking fun at Sen. Barack Obama (D-Ill.) for a report in today's New York Daily News that he had cleansed BarackObama.com of past criticism of the surge strategy in Iraq.

You live by the anti-American rhetoric, you die by it.
Obama banked on the surge not working...it has worked, another one of his positions is wrong...and for the hundredth time he simply changes it without anyone in the media getting on his ass.

Now, I am not talking about someone changing positions over the course of 2o or 30 years...we are talking about over the course of 2 or 3 months...some of his positions have changed in weeks.


TerryN said...

Bill O'Reilly pointed this out this evening.

How do you vote for a guy who scrubs his website to make it go with the polls? I guess you just have to have hope and change in your heart.

What a way to set your compass.

Anonymous said...

actually, you can see for yourself here that the story is not truthful. yes, changes have been made to the content, and the language regarding the surge is somewhat different, but there is no discernible change in position. Read it for yourself.

TerryN said...

Anon - You're right, about no change in platitude.

Anonymous said...

Anon, please tell me you're not using a political candidate's own propaganda to refute criticism of himself!

Anonymous said...

bigt said, "blah blah blah."

Anonymous said...

i don't know what happened to the good old hash, but i kind of miss him.

i'm "using" the source data for the story in question. pretty simple concept, actually.

Anonymous said...

Well, no, you are using obongo's own propaganda site to spread lies

and banking that this crowd is too lazy to check the facts for themselves

now THAT's a simple concept!

I can point several murderous dictators who got their starts, thanks to "helpers" like you

Anonymous said...

other anon, apparently you do not possess a very coherent thought process. the topic here is that the poster suggested that obama has changed policy based on changes on his website. i maintain that that is false.

i could care less whether or not obama's site is propaganda. that's not the subject of the post. the subject is a changed website and a changed policy. one is accurate, the other is not.

and as far as me being a "helper", you don't know what the f**k you are talking about.

Anonymous said...

"i could care less whether or not obama's site is propaganda."

why on earth would you? you've proven yourself capable of swallowing it all whole, propaganda or not

"the subject is a changed website and a changed policy"

barky routinely scrubs his website, as was demonstrated last week when whatever lawn jockey is in charge screwed up, and the entire site was down most of the afternoon

no obama supporter is in any sort of command of anything accurate

and, thank you for demonstrating the language and ghetto lowlife demeanor typical of the "new" politics you cult members aspire to

we anti-obama dems already knew of it, but it's nice to be reminded anyway

blamin said...

Dueling anon's, how quaint!