Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Obama wants to take us to fantasy land

Two goals of his administration would be to secure all loose nuclear material during his first term and to rid the world of nuclear weapons, Obama told an audience before a roundtable discussion at Purdue University.

Democratic presidents like to say stuff like this...and leaders who want to take us down start licking their chops. We can not let this happen. He will weaken our military and security while others catch up.


Jim said...

interesting. here is a link to obama's internet site for defense policies. i don't see anything at all about a unilateral elimination of nuclear weapons. do you?

The Game said...

He said it...I'm just pointing out how stupid it is.

Anonymous said...

no, he said a goal would be to eliminate nuclear weapons from the earth. lofty? yes? desirable? of course.

did he say that he would eliminate the us arsenal before nuclear weapons are gone from the rest of the world? of course not.

why is it stupid to articulate a goal that pretty much everyone in the world would agree with?

Anonymous said...

you wont, but watch senator obama's foreign policy speech. at the 25 minute mark, note how he says as long as nuclear weapons exist, we must maintain a strong deterrent.

this is a great speech. give it a shot.

Dad29 said...

Well, then, Anony--which IS it?

"Maintain a deterrent," or "rid the world of nukes"?

After all, he cannot do both until the USA is the last-standing nuke power--at which time he could eradicate the US nukes.

Based, of course, on the ever-reliable sworn testimony of PRChina's/Russia's/Pakistan's leadership.

Uh huh.

Anonymous said...

dad, it's not a "which". it's a "when and if". no body denies that it would be difficult to eliminate all nuclear weapons. but would the world be a safer place if there were none? of course. if it makes the world safer, why not be a goal? so why are you hung up on no nukes as a goal?

you are grasping at straws for something to say against obama. this one is a non-starter.

The Game said...

How do you achieve not having any nukes when the only way to keep us safe right now is to have way more nukes than everyone else?
Look in a history book and read about the 80's.

Anonymous said...

your logic is like a bouquet of flowers that smells bad.

we have way more nukes than everyone else now? if you feel so safe, why were you worried about the ones saddam didn't have? are you worried about suitcase nukes? how does us having the most keep us safe from somebody who has one?

again, you guys are getting hung up on something that is really not an issue. obama's not going to give up nukes. he's not even suggesting the us give up nukes.

Anonymous said...

"...obama's not going to give up nukes. he's not even suggesting the us give up nukes..."

hard to imagine his "word" meaning anything at all, if he can't even produce an authentic birth certificate, with a raised seal, and an official signature

i expect no foreigner to be particularly concerned with our safety, much less our security

but we'll all know how to sing "kumbaya", and look the other way while he smokes his cheeba, and poses out with deval patrick

Anonymous said...

the phony birth certificate has already been proven as such

no one cares about obama's lies, except simple obamabots like yourself