Tuesday, August 05, 2008

Pelosi: At-risk Dems back drilling

I admit politics can be a game on both sides, but this story shows how to the Dems, saying and doing whatever it takes to get elected is top priority. They MUST shift to the center to get elected...no one would vote for an openly liberal candidate, period.
Pelosi and Obama can't come out and say they WANT high gas prices so us stupid Americans stop using gas and get behind their fantasy land full of alternative fuels that have not been invented after 30 years of failure.
They can't say they are going to raise taxes, they say they are going to punish rich people and corporations for having too much money, then complain when the economy slows down and people lose their jobs.
They are against drilling, but Obama and other Dems have to spin the message so they do not look completely insane to 80% of the voters.
I have to bring up this point because when I make the case that Dems say and do whatever it takes to get elected it is dismissed by the liberals here just like other items on the long list of facts that liberals can't admit to.


Anonymous said...

You truly are foolish if you can't see that this is a game played by both sides.

Anonymous said...

McCain is now for drilling after opposing it. He is moving to the center as well.

This is a game both parties play. The country will not vote for a candidate of either extreme. Get with the program.

There's nothing like fake outrage!

Anonymous said...

"then complain when the economy slows down and people lose their jobs"

do you realize how lame that statement is? the "conservatives" have been in charge for 7 years and "lowered" taxed and yet the economy is slowing down and people are losing their jobs. what does that have to do with voting for liberals?

PCD said...

I see the anonymous Democrats are trying to say that not bankrupting the taxpayer for their socialistic schemes caused a bad economy. They are full of Milorganite.

Anonymous said...

pcdummy, please pay back the money you have stolen from americans first

then we can discuss your plans to continue reaping the gains, while socializing the losses

PCD said...

Ah, I see Che Hashole is sneaking in as anonymous again.

Che, how about you and your friend, the Minister of poop, move to zimbabwe> Mugabe's economic policies are what you espouse.