Sunday, August 12, 2007


Another Wisconsin State Fair has come and gone. Its awesome to have such a great time with so many great people. Its nice to know there are hard working people that do things because they enjoy helping others out. They don't do it for money or recognition, they do it for each other. Why would someone who makes $50K or $70 a year work at the State Fair for $7.50 an hour? Why would someone who works for a state senator work for so little? Why do people take a week of vacation to work at the Fair? It's the fun of the fair, the joy of doing things for people, and them doing things for you. You don't get that throughout most of life. Even at the Fair you have more liberal type thinkers who think that everything should be "fair" for everyone. If one person does a favor for one person, they must do it for all 200 employees. It is a sign of being a small thinker, of being insignificant and wanting to bring others down with you. Well, where I work at the Wisconsin State Fair you can get away from that for 11 days. It is like one place that has stayed the same in time, even with the change of society. Hopefully everyone will be back to have a good time for 11 more days July 31st through August 10th, 2008.


Scorpion said...

What a great fair!!!You are absolutely RIGHT ON!!!It really flew by this year.I miss some good friends already.Wait 'til next year.We'll do it again.

Sofia Britts said...

It's been a while since I've been to the Wisconsin state fair. This year, I hope I can pay a visit. I'll make sure of my attendance by getting a cash advance. Wisconsin state fair is an event that I shouldn't have missed. I wasn't able to attend the 2010 fair because I didn't have enough money to go back to Wisconsin. Payday loans could have been the ticket to go back to there. Oh well, past is past. 2011 will be my year!