Friday, August 01, 2008

Obama's 'emergency' economic plan

Obama's plan is basically to tax oil companies and give it to you...or socialism for short.

Obama announced his plan for a windfall profits tax on oil companies on June 9 in Raleigh, N.C., as he launched a two-week economic tour after clinching the Democratic nomination.

It is amazing how people do not understand economics. Oil companies and drug companies are in the same boat. They spend millions and even billions on research to either make new drugs, or find new ways to drill.

Why would ANYONE risk the money if they are not allowed to collect when that pill or that new technology works out. You get companies now willing to take the risk when the reward is taken away.

And govt still make way more on a gallon of gas than the oil companies.
Blame big govt and big liberalism for high gas prices.


Anonymous said...

those poor oil companies, only able to eke out a $12 BILLION profit in the second quarter (after depreciation and research expenses). how will they ever survive?

Ron said...

Blame big govt and big liberalism for high gas prices.

Of course it is that simple..they are to blame for ALL bad things. Some might call you a simpleton. I wouldn't I would say you are young and brainwashed.

Ron said...

Jason, I'm thinking same with you although you seem to be getting an academic brain scrubbing. Your incessant defense of the priviledged, moneied and elite and against the working person or underdog is working against your own interests as I am certain you are not among the elite.
Even though it is largely 100 years old here is largely where we should be and where the conversation should be today.

The meat of it is past the first four paragraphs. It's a long read but well worth the time. A of the greatest, Americans fighting priviledge and working for equality.

Even 2 percent profit margin is a huge pile of money on a huge pile of money.

more so than 20% on a much smaller pile of money. That is precisely the reason people are upset.
They have the hugest piles of money. You can tell me I'm a stupid liberal or socialist everyday if you like but name calling doesn't change the truth and doesn't remove the issues that are important to our country.
It seems to me the average citizen gets this whole math thing better than you do.

Ron said...

Oh by the way Jason, you pay less percent of your dollar in taxes when the prices are high than when they are lower. And that is a fact! Hows that for phony math...seeeeee I can do it too. I just choose not to. It's dishonest even if it is true.

Anonymous said...

but who cares about Jason?

do you REALLY think he is EVER going to believe one iota differently than he does now?

don't fall for one-dimensional rhetoric, or you'll be paying for your family's burritos with "Ameros". Just because young Mr. Bowden makes sport of the "Chicago School" doesn't mean he's actually not a devotee of it....

BOTH candidates' plans are doomed to fail, only Hillary offered the slightest bit of amelioration

cut your losses, stop whining, you'll just have to tighten your belts a little further (gasp!) until this untended patient is healed

in the meantime, lower prices cannot hurt, don't be fool enough to publicly oppose them