Friday, August 01, 2008

Pelosi blocks offshore drilling vote GOP wants

Fill up today and thank Dems for the price.
Bush just TALKED about drilling more and gas went down over $9 a barrel.
You get both the House and Senate to get a law passed and most experts agree a gallon of
gas would get close to $2 a gallon by the end of the summer.


Anonymous said...

Just as when the I in Chief rattles his imaginary saber toward Iran the price of oil jumps. It makes sense to talk about drilling if the O companies find that unsettling, market-wise.

Anonymous said...

"most experts agree a gallon of gas would get close to $2". Really? Name some of the most.

Ron said...

Being wrong...the secret to wider understanding....

PCD said...

Ron, you and the anonymous Democrats have been wrong since day one. It is only the threat of drilling to create more oil supply that dropped oil prices.