Monday, August 15, 2005

Able Danger


Distracted us so

This could happen

Why isn't this the biggest story since 9-11.

Able Danger was a military intelligence unit set up by Special Operations Command in 1999. A year before the 9/11 attacks, Able Danger identified hijack leader Mohamed Atta and the other members of his cell.

But Clinton administration officials stopped them -- three times -- from sharing this information with the FBI.
The problem was the order Clinton Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick made forbidding intelligence operatives from sharing information with criminal investigators.

So our great military did what it needed to do to stop 9-11. The problem was that the Clinton Administration, Jamie Gorelick and all the lefty lawyers made so many rules to "protect" everyone, that they let 9-11 happen.

Why is it so wrong to propose that it is the Clinton administration that allowed 9-11 to happen. Look at these facts:
1. We could have had osama bin laden but Clinton lawyers said we could not put him up on trial for anything...
2. Along with the 1993 World Trade Center bombing, the 1996 Khobar Towers attacks in Saudi Arabia, and the 2000 attack on the USS Cole in Yemen, the Embassy Bombing is one of the major anti-American terrorist attacks that preceded the attacks of September 11th. The comparatively restrained response of the Clinton Administration, at the time embroiled in the Lewinsky scandal, which included the cruise missile strikes of Operation Infinite Reach and the arrest and prosecution of some of the perpetrators, has sometimes been cited as a factor in emboldening al Qaeda to undertake the September 11th terrorist attacks of 2001, and also raised political debate in the United States about whether to respond to terrorism with a military or law enforcement paradigm.[1]

So while the left says 9-11 is Bush's fault, an event planned while Clinton was President, there are plenty of facts to show that there were PLENTY of opportunities to stop this in the 1990's and early 2000's.

So why isn't the story about Able Danger not a front page story every day on the New York Times?
A story about a mom protesting in Texas is more important than a story showing how the greatest terrorist attack in US history could have been stopped...

In addition, the 9-11 commission seems to trying to cover up any knowledge of Able Danger. What is there to hide? Are they trying to protect Jamie Gorelick and others in the Clinton administration? Why did the Republicans on the commission go along with it?

Please comment on this very very important story. If there would have been an administration in the White House that didn't have hippie lawyers running everything, 9-11 would not have happened....DID YOU GET THAT???

Of course, it is lawyers who are apart of the destruction of this country...but that is for another time.


Mary said...

I think this story is huge.

Think of all the times the Dems have placed blame for 9/11 on the
Bush administration.

The Phoenix memo, Coleen Rowley, the August 6 PDB--all these smoking guns that supposedly proved it was Bush's fault were jumped on by the media.

Able Danger, on the other hand, is being tossed aside. Why? It implicates the Clinton administration.

The fact that Gorelick was on that commission is absolutely mind-boggling. She needed to testify, not do the questioning.

How much longer will the MSM be able to cover for the Clinton administration's role in 9/11?

Who knows?

I do know that Clinton's legacy gets more tarnished as time goes on.

Why did the Republicans on the commission go along with it?

This is what I'd like to know. What were they thinking? It looks like they weren't thinking at all.

The Game said...

well done mary...

I think the MSM will have to report this soon...more information keeps coming out...

I heard the members of this group were going to speak out this week...then the MSM will be forced to report it.

The Game said...

sad to see the biggest story of 3 years gets one comment...:(

kubasio said...

Game, no one comes to our blogs. Mine is even less popular than yours, and that makes me cry because I am waaaaay smarter and better looking than you. Sorry, a little off topic...

This is the story to end all stories. I have raised the lawyers that suggested this information be buried to a level of infamy paramount with Osama Bin Laden. Our own Politically Correct B.S. killed 3,000 people. I want those lawyers names NOW! I want people in prison, I want people deported, and I want traitors hung on the White House lawn. This leftist progressive hippie crap has cost us too much already.

realdebate said...

This story will take time to catch on, but if there is creedance to it, the public will find out. Remember, the MSM is in 100% Clinton spin mode to protect Hillary for her 08 run. This story will need grass roots support from place like this to catch hold.

I intend on reporting on this myself soon.

The Game said...

Average Joe,
you are better looking and smarter than me if we are both at a Star Trek convention...

I am better looking when we go to Club Industry or a model convention.

The Game said...

the fact is the Clinton admin treated the war on terror as a court battle. Clinton and his administration put all these lawyers in place.

I have not heard one thing saying the Bush gave able danger the cold shoulder.

I am glad to see you at least want to see where this story goes.

The Game said...

I kind of like your idea about sending Special Forces and killing lots of bad guys.

As for the able danger thing...I still think you are on the wrong path...

Clinton Deputy Attorney General Jamie Gorelick put up a wall between the FBI and CIA..I's sure Clinton didn't know about this information personally, but it was him and his admin. that had all these lawyers saying that Mohamed Atta could not be brought in because he had a green card. It is all these lawyers and walls that stopped the intelligence agency from doing its job. It is the philosophy of the left that it is more important to not hurt the feeling of a few, while sacrificing the safety and rights of the whole.

Look at the whole profiling thing...we won't focus on one group of people (not exclusively, but just look a little more closely) because a few Muslims might have their bags we search 80 year old grandma's in wheelchairs so no one gets "offended" That is a bit off topic, but shows the general philosophy of the left to avoid using common sense..

If every single terrorist and suicide bomber is Muslim, it might be common sense to take a closer look at them.

The Game said...

Hey, I agree that anything that will actually work should be done...usually politicians are unwilling to take a stand and do what is necessary because some group will we simply get a watered down version of what would really work, accomplishing nothing.

The Game said...

another story on the subject:

we are going to get much more soon I think

The Game said...

Able Danger tried to meet with FBI leaders, but between the lawyers and walls put up in the 1990's, nothing could be done.
The lawyers said the terrorists didn't do anything wrong yet, so it would be trampling on their freedom to bring them in for questioning...