Jim, a regular to this blog, made a statement the other day which made me have a migraine headache. Now, this sort of things happens often whenever a liberal speaks, but I have decided to fight back on this one. There are many times a liberal makes a comment that is obviously crap, yet they have the deer in the headlights look.
Here is the statement:
"I don't agree with some of the things done on campuses or even everything the ACLU works for, but I do believe that the vast majority of ACLU activity is valid defense of the Bill of Rights."
Jim wanted proof that the ACLU was nothing but a fantastic organization...here ya go Jim
ACLU defends sex offenders, AGAIN! The ACLU does not want sex offenders, who have been proven to commit crimes after being jailed over 80% of the time, to wear electronic ID bracelets.
ACLU Sues to Prevent Fla. Parental Notification Amendment ACLU thinks minors can get an abortion without parental consent.
ACLU to Attack Florida Sex Offender Laws ACLU thinks that sex offenders should be able to hang around schools, parks and day care centers.
Phoenix Requires Porn Filters in Libraries, ACLU Up In Arms ACLU likes it when people look at porn in the library. I might be with them on this one...jk
ACLU Defends Woman Guilty of Doing Cocaine While Pregnant ACLU helps people produce special education students, or they are defending murder again.
The ACLU, consistent to form, has decided to defend NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association Title speaks for itself
White House Decries ACLU Assault on Christmas Even in school districts where 98% of the kids celebrate Christmas, the ACLU thinks it is sickening to let a little kid put on a play. Santa is evil, Christmas is evil...do you remember growing up as a kid putting on a play or pageant for Christmas...it was part of the season...but because 5 people in the state don't like it, here comes the ACLU to ruin it for the other 9 million. Of course, they would support NAMBLA coming and holding a meeting inside a school lunch room during lunch.
Why the ACLU Opposed Sex Offender Websites This is from their own web site.
There you have it. Good, moral, wholesome stances taken by the ACLU. Next time you run into the ACLU you have molested children, belong to a group that wants to have sex with children or watching porn in the library. Make sure you are not dressing up your child for a Christmas pageant or praying.
Thursday, September 29, 2005
The ACLU is evil
Posted by
The Game
8:02 PM
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ACLU defends sex offenders, AGAIN!
You cite here a forum that does not explain why the ACLU might oppose this regulation. You know, someone who urinates in public, like a college boy who has drunk too much, can be required to register as a sex offender. Should they be required to wear an anklet? If you want to punish a criminal, put him away for a long, long time. When he has served his sentence, he is done. If he repeats the crime, put him away for life. But to continue to punish someone for the original crime after the sentence has been carried out, I submit can be considered double jeopardy, which is against the Fifth Amendment. I would also submit that punishing someone before they MIGHT commit a crime is "prior restraint." Argue this case when you know the details.
ACLU Sues to Prevent Fla. Parental Notification Amendment. Why wouldn't the ACLU defend against an attack on something that the Florida Supreme Court has decided twice already? There is a legitimate debate here.
ACLU to Attack Florida Sex Offender Laws. I see nothing in your citation that supports this assertion. The ACLU says that these ordinances should be tested for constitutionality. If the court says they're constitutional, fine. What if they made an ordinance that divorced fathers are not allowed to live or hang around parks, etc. Shouldn't that be challenged?
Phoenix Requires Porn Filters in Libraries, ACLU Up In Arms. What if those filters kept out anatomy or medical sites? What if it filtered out pictures of aborted fetuses?
ACLU Defends Woman Guilty of Doing Cocaine While Pregnant. Are we also going to prosecute pregnant women who drink alcohol or smoke tobacco?
The ACLU, consistent to form, has decided to defend NAMBLA, the North American Man/Boy Love Association. Have you read this case? Parents of a child are suing NAMBLA saying that their website incited the child's murderers. While NAMBLA is disgusting, are you prepared to let anybody sue any website asserting a highly questionable cause and effect without a defense? Think about how that would affect other website owners. What if someone sued Hershey claiming that its website incited someone to beat up a kid and steal their candy?
Why the ACLU Opposed Sex Offender Websites.
Please read your own citation. I repeat it here:
First, with the exception of the sexual predators, not one of the offenders to be listed on the site had been determined, by a court, to pose a continuing threat to public safety. That is, their placement on the site was guaranteed because there was a "sexual component" to their offense, no matter how minor.
Second, we were concerned that world-wide notice over the internet far exceeded any legitimate interest in informing neighbors of a new resident.
Third, we objected to imposition of a "scarlet letter" sort of punishment by stigma after offenders had completed their sentence. A fresh punishment after their jail time had been served, amounted, in our view, to an unconstitutional form of double jeopardy.
You really find these arguments offensive?
Before you throw out all these "offensive" ACLU actions, I suggest you read what they are actually about and think about how the actions they are fighting could in other circumstances apply to YOU.
One of your main problems with the sex offender issue is that they are not able to be rehabilitated...you try to state a ridiculous situation (peeing in public), to discredit the entire argument.
Do you think it is okay for a 13 year old girl to get an abortion without parent permission Jim?
Sex crimes are not the same as others...just watch the news Jim. They do it 20 times before they are caught once...no they do not deserve any more chances...it is thought like yours that gets children killed (besides abortion).
The porn filter argument is crap. Even if you are correct, I'll take the risk of not allowing someone to look at an anatomy picture so someone can not jerk off to porn in the library.
I believe that it is because of people like the woman doing drugs that we have so many losers and parasites in this country. They are born into a world of shit. They are probably mentally retarded, or emotionally messed up...but that is the woman’s right? Some people can not be responsible, that is what the law is for. There sound be many more laws for bad parents. And yes, women should not be allowed to drink or smoke, or be anywhere were anyone is smoking. It is called being a good parent.
Once again, sex offenders are never able to be rehabilitated.
Well, you made a better effort than usual. My opinion is that your start on poor footing.
Scorpion says--
Alcohol+Tobacco=Cocaine?This really doesn't add up.Still,in the Bizarro-world thinking portrayed here it is very obvious some thought patterns really don't have "A-CLU."
ha ha..nice touch scorpion
No, NAMBLA would want me to have sex with Jim, if he was 12.
Game, in all honesty, I did start out reading Jim's post with an open mind, thinking that perhaps, there were insights into these matters that hadn't been exposed to the general public before. And I'll admit, a couple of his points seemed valid, at first read. And that's it.....a couple, as in 2 of his comments might be valid, although if I did an exhaustive research of the data, my supposition is that even those 2 points would be found lacking. The further I read, the more obvious it became that Jim's theories on the righteousness of the ACLU's actions were utter nonsense that could easily be disproved by anyone who had the patience to break it down simple enough so that maybe, ( a big maybe), Jim could see that these arguments of his are nonsense. I already have an overwhelming list of things I need to do in the next 2 weeks, or I would gladly spend the time disproving his ridiculous opinions....just for the fun of it. I sometimes catch myself feeling sorry for myself these days in that I don't have all that free time to argue with idiots anymore.
I feel I have that problem too...I love to do this, but I do have a life too...
I appreciate the time you do spend here, as do I appreciate everyone coming here...even Jim, especially Jim, and Ron and anyone else from the Left..
It makes it more fun
Stephanie Rose,
I will patiently wait for your analysis.
If sex offenders can never be rehabilitated, then put them in jail for life. But it would be interesting to read legitimate studies that would back up your assertion if you have them.
In most cases a public urinator is a "sex offender" and subject to all the registration requirements as those who commit more serious sex crimes. The ACLU would rightfully object to a law that treats different levels of crime the same. Isn't it OK to be against a law if part of it is unjust and a better law could be written? What if there was a law that said anyone guilty of a motor vehicle infraction, speeding ticket to vehicular manslaughter, gets 25 years in prison? Wouldn't it be logical to fight against that law in order to get a more just one?
I honestly don't know about parental permission. This is an area of legitimate debate and there are legitimate arguments on both sides. This is not a black or white issue. And it does not make one side or the other evil.
Have you ever heard of someone jerking off in a library? Me either. And if they did, they would be arrested as a sex offender wouldn't they? Talk about an argument that is "crap"!
You've never heard of Fetal Alcohol Syndrome? That said, if you believe in the rule of law, then you would believe in fighting for that rule of law. In the cocaine case as quoted in the source, many legal scholars believe the ACLU will win this case because the prosecution of the defendant "is both impermissible under state law and unconstitutional." Is it evil to defend someone against illegal prosecution? Or should we allow some people to be illegally prosecuted and others not to be? Which people? Which laws?
You don't seem to get it. To hell with NAMBLA. It is an evil, disgusting organization in every way. The ACLU does not believe in NAMBLA or anything they stand for. But the ACLU does believe in YOU and your right to create your blog. But if someone can sue NAMBLA for their website, then someone can sue YOU for yours. Sometimes you have to defend the ugly defendents in order to preserve the rights of the righteous ones.
Scorpion says--
Ah!Lawsuits!When we have nothing else to sputter about and show absolutely no sense of humor the talk turns to lawsuits. Well hopefully, even don't have "A-CLU,"obviously another"U.W." will find something better to whine about rather than ramble on about lawsuits.Even the no a-clu must have something better to do.
Jim, stay on topic...
Yes, if you are correct that if people are titled "sex offenders" by peeing, that should be changed...but once again you are missing the main idea...
when I have time I will give you studies showing that a vast, vast majority of sex offenders are caught again, and many commit many, many crimes before they are caught.
As far I know, their web site had a manual you could order that showed how to persuade kids to sleep with you...this is illegal...there might have been something on killing, but I don't know...if any web site has directions on how to commit illegal crimes, why shouldn't they be prosecuted?
And scorpion...
trial lawyers have ruined this country...they are more evil the bin laden.
How am I not staying on topic? Because I present credible arguments to the debate, I'm not staying on topic? What topic am I not staying on?
Again, NAMBLA is a repulsive, disgusting organization with no redeeming qualities.
But if you ban speech or writing that provides documentation on how to commit an illegal act, you would have to ban:
Most crime novels
Many Tom Clancy novels
Edgar Allen Poe stories
Oceans 11, 12, 13 and so on
How to install a police radar detector.
The lawsuit in question was brought up in the orignal post by Game. I merely present what the lawsuit is about so that people can form an educated opinion instead of reciting someone else's uneducated one.
I was talking about instruction manuals...not fantasy..which is where you seem to live...I have to work on my thesis now.
Scorpion says--
Always fun to laugh my way through another Bizarro-world list of "educated" drivel from outerspace.Game-keep the competent viewpoints coming as a really educated "U.W." really shouldn't have to convince me of their vast expertise,just keep me laughing with it.When your so full of knowledge in your own mind,you certainly are "full of it."
What is the purpose of your blog?
Game, I see you aren't a liberteran.:-)
Oh and before Supreme Justice Roberts was Supreme Justice......he was a trial lawyer.
If he was suing McDonalds because their coffee was too hot, or race card lawsuits, then he sucks too..
I don't think he did that.
Scorpion says--
Getting to have a good laugh after a long day and seeing the real comedy being made available by "mo-ron and jumbled jim"allows me the chance to see how a competent person wouldn't want to go through every day.GAME-try using only one syllable words,keep it simple,and maybe your outstanding viewpoints will be figured out.If not, I can still enjoy the ridiculous responses.
I notice that you all never present any verifyable facts, nor make any intelligent counter-arguments to my points. You only make silly, name-calling remarks that reveal your intellectual poverty.
Great examples of intellectual debate:
Bizarro-world thinking portrayed here (Scorpion, brilliant!)
NAMBLA would want me to have sex with Jim, if he was 12 (wow, knock-down for the Game)
Time to argue with idiots anymore (Stephanie Rose-who apparently can't make an argument)
Lawsuits (Scorpion - the ACLU is defending AGAINST one of your terrible lawsuits)
Where are we fortunate enough to have you contributing to our society, that you can post on this blog 30 times a day? (Roxy - what an asinine, irrelevant comment!)
Some of you apparently are getting a "higher" education. I pitty the educators who must read your work.
Scorpion says--
If you want intelligent debate you must first say something worth debating.The drivel you spew out for my amusement "jumbled jim" isn't worth my taking time to respond to as the so-called factual examples that you have so much free time to offer isn't more than humorous reading for most people.Don't take offense,none intended,please continue to brighten my day again tomorrow with all those top-notch debates with the GAME.You allow him to really look good.
LOL! :)
Oh Jim, are you really going to patiently wait for my analysis? I'm afraid you will have to wait a terribly long time. I just dropped by The Right before I headed off to bed.....medical people! We keep odd work and play hours. Sorry, Jim but spending my time arguing with you just isn't worth it. I have a suspicion that you are so self righteous in your beliefs, you wouldn't accept the TRUTH if it came from the Almighty.
Your comment did make me smile though, so I figured that to repay you, I should at least acknowledge your invitation. Forever, politely unavailable.
Stephanie Rose,
At least I'm offering something to the Game's site. You offer NOTHING. You say anybody could refute my arguments, but you don't. Nobody on here does with the exception of the Game himself at least attempting to counter my points.
Well Jim, I suppose that is because Game is a very patient, tolerant person. Isn't it nice there are folks like that in this world?!
OK Jim, here we go...
I am just going to address your comment about the libraries filtering out porn. You said what if it filtered out anatomy? Honestly Jim, that is ridiculous. There's a big difference between medical journals, textbooks, etc., and pornography. I must say any computer program can easily filter out porn vs true medical learning sites. If people want to learn about their bodies, they can go to any number of medical reference sites. WebMD has lots of material available for laypersons. Some of the info is even animated, so you can see the blood dripping. And there's NO RISK of seeing men having sex with women in chains, or vice versa on these reputable sites. Absolutely NO danger of mental corruption whatsoever. The medical professionals version of WebMD, is MEDSCAPE, etc. There are several links from WebMD where professionals can obtain more advanced knowledge. These sites are available from most major Internet providers. However, the ISP's make for darn sure they don't put links to porn as part of their service. See, Jim? NO PROBLEM...THERE'S a BIG DIFF BETWEEN PORN AND MEDICAL RESOURCES. Nope, no problem at all to filter porn, but not filter medical resources. NOT AN ISSUE. NEITHER ARE ANY OF THE OTHER CRAZY IDEAS YOU CAME UP WITH TO TRY AND DEFEND THE ACLU.
Now, I will go on and provide more of my information to your fearful "what if" mind on the other so called issues you claim defense of the ACLU for, later..when I feel patient enough to explain the obvious again.
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