You can look at the entire article by clicking on the heading, but just read this:
In November 2004, Democrat John Kerry topped President George W. Bush in Wisconsin by about 11,000 votes, one of the narrowest margins in the country. Had a larger state, such as Ohio, gone the other way, it could have prompted a Florida-style recount that would have exposed the many flaws outlined by the newspaper - and now the state audit.
In Milwaukee, where some 77,000 people registered at the polls - either as a new voter, or to change their address - more than 3,600 of the verification cards came back as undeliverable. More problematic: Some 1,300 cards could not be sent at all, due to incomplete information, such as missing names and addresses.
The newspaper also found a gap of 7,000 votes, with more ballots counted than people recorded as having voted. The newspaper also found some 1,200 votes came from invalid addresses and at least 278 felons voted illegally in the state, most of them in Milwaukee. That number is likely far larger, because a state law barring public access to birth date information did not allow for a complete investigation.
This story should spur outrage. The foundation of our democracy is being tainted by people who want to steal elections. There is no way this needs to happen.
The various problems have spurred Republican efforts to pass a photo ID requirement for all voters, which Democratic Gov. Jim Doyle vetoed for the third time last month. So far, GOP lawmakers have not set a vote to attempt to override the veto, but the audit's results are likely to spur another surge of support for the bill.
Democrats do not want voter ID bills or anything else that makes it harder to cheat because, they are the ones who benefit from the fraud. What other explanation is there for this?
They were the ones found slashing tired of GOP vans the day of the election....
5 to be tried early next year in election day tire-slashing
Democrats say it is because old people and minorities do not have ID's.....WHY NOT? The voter ID bills offers anyone a free ID who does not have one.
Are democrats saying old people and minorities are not responsible enough to have a basic tool to be a functioning member of society. How can you do much of anything without an ID.
You can't get certain types of medicine
You can't get a movie from blockbuster
you can't cash a check
you can't drive a car...and on...and on...and on..
This is just democrats making excuses for people....if voting is important enough...I"m sure in the next 3 years everyone can get an ID...
remember, when someone votes illegally, they take away your constitutionally guaranteed right to vote...a right that millions have died over to protect.
Friday, September 16, 2005
What ya going to do, when voter fraud runs wild on you (and your rights as a voter)
Posted by
The Game
2:36 PM
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Doyle is a disgrace.
Barrett, too.
"Fraud? What fraud?"
Democrats do not want voter ID bills or anything else that makes it harder to cheat because, they are the ones who benefit from the fraud.
That is the sad truth.
Or you could own an electronic voting machine company that that leaves no audit or paper trail and no oversite to the source code.
Where have you been? The GOP is FAMOUS for slashing tires.
How come all of a sudden you guys are upset about voter fraud?
Produce facts to show republican voter fraud...not your "aliens in the corn fields" theories either...
republicans in Milwaukee were taking pictures of addresses that did not exist, or were empty lots BEFORE the election...all the "get out the vote groups" have all been charged with crimes for voter fraud...and they all were associated with the left.
Democratic congress people's children were charged with slashing GOP tired...that’s a fact...
Jim is doing what liberals love to do...when they get caught doing something wrong...they just say the right does it too.
You can still vote for my blog though Jim.
Enough of this Republican talking point aluminum foil hat, aliens in the corn fields, conspiracy theory horse manure.
There are thousands of documented cases of voter fraud by the Republicans in Ohio. It's fact. It's fact. It's fact. Let me repeat that. It's fact.
The Rep. Conlyers Congressional Report is one of many.
If you want to look at documented incidents and debate that they didn't happen because you have the evidence that it didn't, I'm fine with that, but if you say anybody that questions the election results is some kind of lunatic, then you are nothing more than a mynah bird repeating the Republican "talking points."
Republican's have been convicted of blocking Dempocratic phone banks on election day. That's a fact.
First of all Jim..
Just because I say something that defends one side and is correct...that doesn't make it "talking points"
I could find your exact comments repeated by 10,000 liberals all over the web..does that make your comments "talking points"
You seemed unwilling to comment on the two domumented cases of fraud that I presented Jim...
I'll work on reading the report you cite that was prepared by a democrat..I'm sure its very fair and balanced.
I want to see where this report actually came from...I seriously doubt that the document you provided came from the United States looks like a fraud...and if it is authentic, our government should be embarrassed...why would a report done by congress have pictures of MLK Jr.? What he held back at the polls? It seems like it was made in a high school class.
I have not once denied that your examples of fraud or misconduct by Democrats are true. They may be, but I was just pointing out that there are similar documented incidents of RF-ing by the GOP.
You will also note in my comments I provided one of many links to a serious souce of information on the subject. I don't just say something like "Republicans have their heads up their butts if they can't see the obvious." Note: this is an example of what I don't say but is equivalent to the "aliens in the cornfield" comment. I cite and link to information, serious information, not simply respond with a talking point. You don't refute my statement. You simply blow the whole idea off by implying that I'm a nut.
Regarding the link, Representative John Conyers is a US Congressman. This document is an official congressional document. You will notice the the URL includes "" which is the website of the US House of Representatives. It was indeed put together by Democrats because the Republicans refuse to participate in any questioning of the process by which the president was elected to a second term.
This is not nut job stuff. It is well-founded, well documented incidents of voter fraud and disenfranchisement. It does not PROVE that Bush lost or won the election. It does prove that their was malfeasance on the part of Republican officials of the State of Ohio in conducting what is supposed to be a fair election.
You may think that it's all lies, silly, sour grapes or whatever. But what would you think if it was the other way around? You apparently think that it's a big deal that kids of Democrats slashed tires, and I don't defend it.
So think about it again. What if Kerry had "won" and you could produce these documented incidents that were unfair to your guy. What would you be saying and writing then? Would it be "aliens in the cornfield" stuff?
I have a hard time taking much stock in your link when it was only done by democrats...
try another...I have a hunch you can't produce one that is not from a left wing group...
Whoa, whoa, wait a minute! Anything Democratic is from a left wing group?
So you are saying that since nobody from the party whose guy won is investigating or documenting voter fraud by their own party, that it didn't happen and anybody who does document it is part of a left wing group.
Astonishing! God forbid the Democrats manage to win an extremely close election, because if you question the fairness and accuracy of Democratic officials, you'll be a right wing nut.
I won't have to worry about democrats winning anything anytime soon
Game, to deny that this isn't happening all over the country is ignoring history. Look it up. There's your facts. It's occuring on both sides. Let's fix it so NOBODY can cheat. Would that make you happy? It would me.
hell ya Ron...there is fraud on both sides...its just 70-30 dems
Ok Game, whatever the percentage is I care not. I want NOBODY to cheat. ARE YOU WITH ME!?....just more fun to blame then to come up with solutions huh?
70-30 Dems? You are joking, of course. You have no data to even come close to supporting that assertion.
lets see, republican keep passing voter ID bills and demoratic governors keep vetoing them...
so I guess we have come up with a solution...the left doesn't like it because either.
1. they love cheating or
2. they think minorities and old people are too stupid to have ID's.
Are you saying voter id is a solution/ It's hard to tell through your hate. If that is what you are saying though. I would be for it. It's law in some states I've lived in already. Got any more ideas or do you just want to hate the democrats?
its not hate ron, its the way it is...anytime someone opposes the left, or calls them is called hate...which page of the playbook does that come from...
are those your "talking points"
And anytime someone opposes the right or calls them out, they hate America.
People on the right are so much better than people on the left. It's so obvious. [Sarcasm alert]
Well,exit polls show people that vote Republican are better educated, make more money, and go to Church more...sounds better to me...
it takes a big man to accept his failures.
No game, hate is smearing someone and not trying to offer a workable vision that brings Americans together instead of pulling them apart. Why is everything you hate labeled liberal and everything you like labeled conservative? By the way your last post does sound a bit like "ethnic clensing". Since you all are regular church goers and I am not, what would Jesus think of your snubbing of the "non superior"?
I have no idea what you are talking time I fall on my head or get really drunk I will respond to these claims
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