Those of you with ADD, please take a moment and go through the will be simply amazed at how this list sounds like the platform of the Democratic Party...
How many of these goals have been achieved?
Which party has helped achieve these goals?
I will highlight which ones I think the Democratic Party has aided in making true…
The communist goals were entered into the Congressional record by Albert Herlong, Jr. (a Floridian who served in Congress from 1949-69).
1) US acceptance of coexistence as the only alternative to atomic war
2) US willingness to capitulate in preference to engaging in atomic war
3) Develop the illusion that total disarmament by the US would be a demonstration of "moral strength"
4) Permit free trade between all nations regardless of Communist affiliation and regardless of whether or not items could be used for war.
5) Extension of long term loans to Russia and Soviet Satellites
6) Provide American aid to all nations regardless of Communist domination
7) Grant recognition of Red China, and admission of Red China to the UN.
11) Promote the UN as the only hope for mankind. If its charter is rewritten, demand that it be set up as a one world government with its own independent armed forces. (Some Communist leaders believe the world can be taken over as easily by the UN as by Moscow. Sometimes these two centers compete with each other as they are now doing in the Congo)
12) Resist any attempt to outlaw the Communist Party
15) Capture one or both of the political parties in the US
16) Use technical decisions of the courts to weaken basic American institutions, by claiming their activities violate civil rights.
17) Get control of the schools. Use them as transmission belts for Socialism, and current Communist propaganda. Soften the curriculum. Get control of teachers associations. Put the party line in text books.18) Gain control of all student newspapers
20) Infiltrate the press. Get control of book review assignments, editorial writing, policy-making positions.
21) Gain control of key positions in radio, TV & motion pictures.
22) Continue discrediting American culture by degrading all form of artistic expression. An American Communist cell was told to "eliminate all good sculpture from parks and buildings", substitute shapeless, awkward, and meaningless forms.
23) Control art critics and directors of art museums. " Our plan is to promote ugliness, repulsive, meaningless art".24) Eliminate all laws governing obscenity by calling them "censorship" and a violation of free speech and free press.
25) Break down cultural standards of morality by promoting pornography, and obscenity in books, magazines, motion pictures, radio and TV.
26) Present Homosexuality, degeneracy, and promiscuity as "normal, natural, and healthy".
27) Infiltrate the churches and replace revealed religion with "social" religion. Discredit the Bible and emphasize the need for intellectual maturity, which does not need a "religious crutch"
28) Eliminate prayer or any phase of religious expression in the schools on the grounds that it violates the principle of "separation of church and state"
29) Discredit the American Constitution by calling it inadequate, old fashioned, out of step with modern needs, a hindrance to cooperation between nations on a worldwide basis.
30) Discredit the American founding fathers. Present them as selfish aristocrats who had no concern for the "common man".
31) Belittle all forms of American culture and discourage the teaching of American history on the ground that it was only a minor part of "the big picture:" Give more emphasis to Russian history since the Communists took over.
34) Eliminate the House Committee on Un-American Activities.35) Discredit and eventually dismantle the FBI
36) Infiltrate and gain control of more unions.
37) Infiltrate and gain control of big business
40) Discredit the family as an institution. Encourage promiscuity and easy divorce.
44) Internationalize the Panama Canal.
45) Repeal the Connally Reservation so the US can not prevent the World Court from seizing jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over domestic problems. Give the World Court jurisdiction over nations and individuals alike.
I just think this is so interesting. The Left has been following the goals of the Communist Party. It is amazing how much it seems the Left has just been using this as a check off list. Attacking religion, morality, the family, history, founding fathers, ect…
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
1963 Communist Goals
Posted by
The Game
10:02 PM
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Absolutely chilling. It's really too bad most of us don't have a grasp of political history. The left re-lives it every time they dredge up those tired old antiwar nuggets.Yawn.
I see Jim hasn't responded to this yet. Maybe he has been busy researching for ammo. Wonder what his take on this will be?
Interesting post. Thanks
Thanks!!! I just read it in amazement...
This is the lefts playbook..
Does anyone think this is a conspiracy or just a coincidence because they think so much like communists?
This is not new. The Democrats have harbored and defended Communists while insisting there aren't any in government since WWII. Alger Hiss was one of FDR's closest advisors and he was a card carrying communist. And there were many others. Whittaker Ckambers was a communist that defected and turned states evidence on Huss and 55 others. This info all became public years later when the cables between Russia and America were funally deciphered. there is now no doubt that there were indeed Communists all over Washington, just as the HCUA found out.
The Democrats always resort to screaming McCarthyism everytime anyone bashes Democrats, but in fact, McArthy had little to nothing to do with the House Commitee on Un-American Activities. thay were, after all, the house. He was a senator.
All Coulters book treason breaks this down very well...she shows how the left needs to yell and scream to stop free speech...
That free speech would show that they have been on the communist side from the beginning...
The louder they yell, the more true it is
I Googled Albert Herlong, Jr. and found out that he got these so-called communist goals from a book called "The Naked Communist". I have no idea how valid is the assertion that these are actually THE communist goals. Which communists?
I thought the communist threat has been replaced by the threat of terrorism. 9/11 changed everything, didn't it?
pretty weak arguement
I thought about taking the time to comment on many of these so-called communist goals, but then your posters will call me a left wing wacko or an uninformed whiner without addressing or actually presenting any evidence to refute my points. So why bother.
In another posting I asked you what is the purpose of this blog. I haven't seen an answer.
I will agree that my previous post was a weak argument since I made no argument at all. I simply questioned the "authenticity" of these "communist goals".
I do think it's interesting that you highlight items that supposedly reflect "the left's" philosophy and don't highlight items which were espoused or accomplished by the "Republic" party.
The assertion that a large number of these can be associated with a "liberal" agenda or have been accomplished by "the left" is simply laughable. If you care to honestly debate any of the items, I would do that, but I'm not going to waste my time only to have my points blown off.
Scorpion Says--
I thought the purpose of this blog was listed very specifically at the very top along with the name.Maybe this isn't obvious enough.Maybe the description is too nice.Maybe you should draw a picture of a "U.W."(uninformed whiner.)
I think it is very clear that every single one of these points is a cornerstone of liberal thought.
The purpose of my blog is to inform people about the things the liberal media will not. I try and make the information presented to the world on a more level playing field. The media is getting really sick right now with the Rove and Delay stuff...they are foaming at the mouth...
Every administration since Eisenhower espoused #1. It's called mutually assured destruction (MAD).
#2 Says who?
#3 Nobody says that.
#4 Big business likes it.
#7 Nixon was responsible for that.
#11 Nobody says that.
#12 Can't outlaw a party (First Amendment). You can arrest people for sedition.
#15 Which one?
#16 Which institutions?
#17 Sounds more like the ID and young earthers.
#18 Which ones?
#20 Like Rupert Murdoch, Viacom, General Electric?
#21 How do Limbaugh, O'Reilly and Hannity manage?
#22 Baloney
#23 Baloney
#24 Baloney
#25 Baloney
#26 Baloney
#27 Churches seem to be doing pretty well. Dobson, Robertson, Fallwell having any problems?
#28 That's the US Constitution
#29 Show me where somebody said or wrote that.
#36 Unions seem to be losing power and membership
#40 Never heard of anybody doing that. The only ones promoting promiscuity are the ones who refuse to allow gays to marry a life partner.
#44 Well, it was turned back over to Panama.
#45 Who has promoted that?
Jim, if I can eat or drinksomething that can keep me up tonight, I will take the time to give my opinion on these things, but I don't have the energy to get links for all of deal with it
#1...liberals want every country to give up their arms...for everyone to be the same...having too many weapons is bad.
#2...liberals would never support using nuclear weapons no matter what..they don't want us using any weapons.
#3...You are saying liberals do not want all countries to disarm?
this is boring...lets get so some of your "balony"
#24...liberals think it is great for anyone to say or do anything they want at anytime (unless it is saying conservative things). Shirts with swearing or messages to kill Bush are just fine.
#25...Hollywood is to blame for our moral breakdown..they make being an idiot look great on TV and movies...terrorists always cite this as one of the biggest fears they have. They don't want our Hollywood filth corrupting their culture...they think what is in movies is what America is...that is what liberals want America to be...
#26....what the hell!!!! this one is more true than any other one...the left wants us to believe that two parents..and man and wife is silly and crazy...two daddy's, that cool, two better not judge them...even though EVERY study ever done on this topic proves that two middle level hetero-parents are better than any combination of gay parents for the child.
#27...the left makes religious people seem like crazy idiots...anyone who goes to church is crazy and any politician who says anything about religion is controlled by the pope or God...also, why do libs hate religion and think so little of it that they do not want it in schools or anyother form of public life??? Is it better to not offend the 2% of atheists so that the other 90% who want religion can not have it?
last one #28...seperation of church and state was originally meant to mean that the government could not FORCE you to practice a religion...asking people to say the word GOD in the pledge is not forcing is a very sad fact that the courts have changed the original meaning and have taken morality out of society...the founders CLEARLY thought religion should be a very big part of our lives...
tired of proving you wrong...that is enough
I do not state or claim any political "persuasion" here. You can judge that from what I write, although I am prone to play devil's advocate, too.
This is on "deep background." I went to a university known for being quite liberal. I was there at a time when it was MOST known for liberal "activities." I live and work in an area of the country that could be considered more "liberal" than many areas of the country. I also have a degree in political science, and I'm reasonable well-read.
I have never heard any liberal say or write anything advocating #1. Please provide an example.
I have never heard any liberal say or write anything advocating #2. Please provide an example.
I have never heard any liberal say or write anything advocating #3. Please provide an example.
You may be confusing "liberals" with "peace-niks", whoever they might be.
#24 Wearing the kind of clothing you refer to in many public places I would consider to be in bad taste. However, bad taste cannot and should not be legislated.
#25 Hollywood produces what people want to watch. It's capitalism. Do you think communists are responsible for creating that crap?
#26 "the left wants us to believe that two parents..and man and wife is silly and crazy" This is absurd. The left wants no such thing. I've never heard of a liberal who has said or written one bad thing about heterosexual parents. To suggest that the left advocates this position is patently false. There are studies "proving" anything the sponsors want proved and there is "proof" for both sides of this debate. The left merely wants responsible and loving people to be able to raise families if that's what they want to do.
#27 You continue this absurd hyperbole. There is nobody who says that anyone who goes to church is crazy. I go to church every Sunday. Many liberals do. While there might be an individual liberal, or libertarian, or conservative who has written a book against religion, it is not the philosophy of any liberals I've ever heard of to be against religion.
Churches are increasing in size all over this country. Most churches are very successful at bringing in people and giving their congregations what they need and want. So I don't see why they believe they are being persecuted. I believe that religion is a personal thing to share with family and fellow members of their congregations. People are free to pray anytime and anywhere. I pray, I go to church, I believe in God. I profess my belief in church, at home and in my personal prayers. I do not feel the need to profess my faith in public, and I don't understand why others are so insecure in their faith that they need to profess it for everybody else to hear.
#28 No, it meant that there would be no state religion. Asking a 5 year-old in school to say the word God can be construed as focing them to do so. Do you expect a 5 year-old to tell a teacher that he will not say the pledge or say the word God? Do you think a 5 year-old who does not say the pledge as currenlty recited will not be stigmatized by her classmates for not saying it? This IS forced religion.
I believe you are wrong that the founding fathers "CLEARLY" thought religion should be a very big part of our lives. Everything I have read, and I have read alot, disputes that statement, so it is not CLEAR and I believe it is not true.
You "argue" me wrong. You prove nothing.
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