Sunday, October 09, 2005

The Free for all

Go for it...say whatever you want.


The Game said...

damn you...never been to a game...but I have been to 4 pro bowls...and soon you will be able to say the same thing!!!

Anonymous said...

ANYthing we want?


Wow. That's very tempting.


Mark said...

I am so mad at ER I can't see straight. He says he's a Christian but he thinks the ACLU are good and Focus on the Family are bad.

I told him either he is with Jesus or he isn't.

Focus on the Family: With Jesus

ACLU: against Jesus.

It's not brain surgery. Guilt by association I say.

Anonymous said...

Mark...who's ER?
I agree with you that anyone against Jesus is bad. I really can't stand the ACLU. How did someone else put it? "The American Criminal Lawyers....

Anonymous said...

I posted a reply to Jim's defense of the ACLU. The whining about how I never explain/refute him finally encouraged me. Here is part one of explaining the obvious to Jim:

OK Jim, here we go...
I am just going to address your comment about the libraries filtering out porn. You said what if it filtered out anatomy? Honestly Jim, that is ridiculous. There's a big difference between medical journals, textbooks, etc., and pornography. I must say any computer program can easily filter out porn vs true medical learning sites. If people want to learn about their bodies, they can go to any number of medical reference sites. WebMD has lots of material available for laypersons. Some of the info is even animated, so you can see the blood dripping. And there's NO RISK of seeing men having sex with women in chains, or vice versa on these reputable sites. Absolutely NO danger of mental corruption whatsoever. The medical professionals version of WebMD, is MEDSCAPE, etc. There are several links from WebMD where professionals can obtain more advanced knowledge. These sites are available from most major Internet providers. However, the ISP's make for darn sure they don't put links to porn as part of their service. See, Jim? NO PROBLEM...THERE'S a BIG DIFF BETWEEN PORN AND MEDICAL RESOURCES. Nope, no problem at all to filter porn, but not filter medical resources. NOT AN ISSUE. NEITHER ARE ANY OF THE OTHER CRAZY IDEAS YOU CAME UP WITH TO TRY AND DEFEND THE ACLU.
Now, I will go on and provide more of my information to your fearful "what if" mind on the other so called issues you claim defense of the ACLU for, later..when I feel patient enough to explain the obvious again.

Ron said...

I've been to Daytona. AND I have a tidy bowl.!

Jim said...

What are you afraid of SR? That somebody is going to sit in front of a computer at the library and whack off? If they do, arrest them!

The ACLU case was concerned about "overblocking."

No filtering software can properly block all objectionable material without also blocking considerably more material improperly. Evidence presented in the legal challenge to CIPA demonstrated that the problem of "overblocking" is substantial, and exists in all filtering software.

The Supreme Court acknowledged that overblocking is an issue that could present constitutional difficulty if library patrons were unable to avoid it.

So you see, there are legitimate issues here. It's not black and white. Sometimes there is "nuance" involved and there's more to it than just the rant of an ultra-conservative organization.
