It is a fact that liberals have not had an original thought since about 1975, and even then their thought was "How many orgasms am I going to have over Watergate and Vietnam"
Liberals are only happy when America suffers.
They are happy when the unemployment rate goes up so they can blame it on Republicans.
They are happy when soldiers die in Iraq so they can blame it on Republicans.
They are happy when the economy slows down so they can blame it on Republicans.
They are happy when a hurricane kills people and destroys their lives so they can blame it on Republicans.
What ideas do they actually have to solve ANY problems...blame it on Republicans seems to be it.
Their other thought process is to compare everything to their only two victories EVER, Watergate and Vietnam...that is so sad those are the Left's two glory events.
Iraq is like Vietnam....even though there are NO comparisons...and it is sad that liberals want us to lose there.
The Plame case or the Delay case are just like Watergate...nope, wrong again there....
In the present, Republicans are being bashed because they are actually discussing ideas. They are debating what to do on several issues...immigration, supreme court, taxes, the war, and energy.
Liberals never have internal discussion because they are forced to believe whatever the next special interest group tells them to believe...
We must support all abortion...there is no way we can say that partial birth abortion is wrong, even though about 85% of the American public support it.
Voter ID bills are being vetoed all over the country even though a VAST majority of Americans want them...the Left does not want to lose that all important convicted felon/illegal immigrant vote.
All war is bad...ummm, war is always what defeats me a time where peace talks have worked.
The Left has no ideas about anything except to blame Bush and Republicans for everything...that is why they will continue to lose.
Friday, October 21, 2005
Liberals live in the past
Posted by
The Game
11:17 AM
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In case you haven't noticed, the Repulics control the administration, the Republics control the Senate, the Republics control the House, and the Republics have control of the Supreme Court.
The Democrats have lots of ideas. Problem is, the Republic-controlled congressional committee chairmen, house and senate majority leaders, speaker and president pro-tem twist and abuse all of the traditional rules of both houses to keep Democrats from submitting bills, hearing them in committee, voting on the floor, you name it. The Republics, like Sensenbrenner, turn off the Democrat's microphones. The Republics, like Delay, force a 15 minute vote to last 3 hours so that they can threaten congressman with lack of political or financial support if they don't change their votes to the party line.
The Democrats have no new ideas? Horse manure! The Republics just have the ability at this time to shut down any ideas that the Democrats might have.
Immigration? How many Republics are discussing immigration? The Republics have the majority of both houses and the White House. Why haven't THEY solved immigration? Because they don't want to. IT'S BAD FOR BIDNESS! And if it's bad for bidness, it ain't gonna happen.
Democrats have lot's of ideas for energy. The Republics have one. Drill for oil. Or maybe wait for a technology that won't be fully implemented for 20 years. Conservation? Nope. Gas tax? Well we know what happened to the last person to say "maybe we should consider a 50 cent gas tax."
Abortion? The reason that Democrats are so strong about abortion is that they know that the Right will tolerate no middle ground. They know that each limitation on safe and legal abortions is one more notch toward the ultimate goal of no abortions, EVER. Most people in America believe that abortion should be safe and legal. Not all abortions. But if one circumstance is outlawed, then the next will be and the next and the next. With the Right, there is no middle ground. If the Left could be conviced that the Right would accept that there is a middle ground, then they might be willing to accept SOME limitations knowing that a middle ground can be reached.
You are 100% Correct. I asked the question earlier this week, how come ig they have all these great ideas they keep running for office pretending to be Conservatives?
what are the ideas Jim...way to have to intelligent comment rhyno...just empty words, no specifics
Jim, the sad fact is that your side supports killing a baby two seconds before it is born...its sad and almost NO Americans support once again you are on the wrong side of an issue...
Lets wait about a year and watch the liberals "move to the center" to try and get elected. Why do they do that liberals? Why can't you guys stay far to the left like you want to be? Maybe it is because the far left looks crazy..
Its the nature of Conservative ideology to throw out hyperbolic and frenzied diatribes in an effort to guage reaction. I refuse to retort to egregiously distorted rhetoric.
Wes Clark on Iraq:
"Adding a diplomatic track to the strategy is a must. The United States should form a standing conference of Iraq's neighbors, complete with committees dealing with all the regional economic and political issues, including trade, travel, cross-border infrastructure projects and, of course, cutting off the infiltration of jihadists. The United States should tone down its raw rhetoric and instead listen more carefully to the many voices within the region. In addition, a public U.S. declaration forswearing permanent bases in Iraq would be a helpful step in engaging both regional and Iraqi support as we implement our plans."
Hillary Clinton on abortion:
"I have said many times that I can support a ban on late-term abortions, including partial-birth abortions, so long as the health and life of the mother is protected. I've met women who faced this heart-wrenching decision toward the end of a pregnancy. Of course it's a horrible procedure. No one would argue with that. But if your life is at stake, if your health is at stake, if the potential for having any more children is at stake, this must be a woman’s choice."
Democratic Platform on jobs:
"End deferral policies which allow American companies to avoid paying taxes on the income earned by their foreign subsidiaries. Use these savings to offer tax cuts for companies that produce goods and create jobs here at home."
"We support tax credits and energy investments that slash overall operating costs for small businesses and encourage them to grow and expand here in America." In other words, instead of giving the richest Americans huge tax cuts and hoping the money trickles down to create jobs through small businesses, put the incentives right into the small businesses themselves. The Republics position tax cuts to the rich as benefiting owners of small businesses, but the rich don’t own small business. The rich own Exxon, GE, and Fox.
Democratic Platform on education:
"We will offer generous tax credits to reduce the price of college for all students, including those who pay there own way and can least afford college now."
Democratic position on effective government:
"We will appoint to key administrative positions people who have expertise in their field, a track record of excellent management, and have not been lobbyists or lawyers for the industries that their government agencies regulate."
My God Game, tell me this is just a troll post..please!!!! Rhyno is right, that was just ignorant. From the first sentence on it contained untruths. Even the stuff you could "verify" was incomplete outside of the full context of the issue. In other words you managed to put in an example of most all of the main tenets of propaganda. I give you and "A" on this if that was your goal.
what are the ideas Jim...
Well gee thanks for asking!:-)
I prefer instead of saying this is my position and this is your position to approach it differently. It involves discussing it from the beginnings and coming up with a solution that we can both agree on. I know Anne and club tell you to hate and ignore everyone who thinks differently than you but just tell her to go look in the mirror the next time she wants to have a conversation.
To me the lefts glory events are social equality ,the 40 hour work week,child labor laws etc. Pure propaganda my friend. You should be ashamed.
By the way, the Dems are having a raging serious discussion on what to do with the party and America. You just don't see it because you don't visit enough left web sites. Here is just a taste of the conversation.
well, lets be honest...I was not getting many posts lately and wanted to write something to really piss you off...I still believe it, but wrote it in a fashion to make you mad... far as what Hilary said on abortion...she said it, now why doesn't she do anything about it?
there very well might be people on the left trying to get a message and a point across, but the at the national level there is very little going on...mostly Bush bashing and stupid crap like "culture of corruption"
Hillary is doing something about it. She is advocating safe, legal and rare abortions and effective sex education. Per party is in the minority in the congress. What more do you want her to do?
A time when victory was achieved by peace talks? October 1962.
what was that?
why doesn't hillary introduce a partial birth abortion ban? And don't even try and say that republicans would block are pissed because a conservative supreme court might overtern Row v Wade that made abortion legal out of thin air, without one law ever being passed anywhere making it legal
I figured out that was the cuban missle crisis...Jim is saying Kennedy saved the world in the cuban missle crisis...yep..he did a great job as usual..
he banged Monroe then called for the bay of pigs..very good job..
What peace talks happened here?
where are the peace talks here jim:
Cuban missile crisis
Related: United States History
1962, major cold war confrontation between the United States and the Soviet Union. After the Bay of Pigs Invasion , the USSR increased its support of Fidel Castro's Cuban regime, and in the summer of 1962, Nikita Khrushchev secretly decided to install ballistic missiles in Cuba. When U.S. reconnaissance flights revealed the clandestine construction of missile launching sites, President Kennedy publicly denounced (Oct. 22, 1962) the Soviet actions. He imposed a naval blockade on Cuba and declared that any missile launched from Cuba would warrant a full-scale retaliatory attack by the United States against the Soviet Union. On Oct. 24, Russian ships carrying missiles to Cuba turned back, and when Khrushchev agreed (Oct. 28) to withdraw the missiles and dismantle the missile sites, the crisis ended as suddenly as it had begun. The United States ended its blockade on Nov. 20, and by the end of the year the missiles and bombers were removed from Cuba. The United States, in return, pledged not to invade Cuba, and subsequently secretly removed ballistic missiles it had placed in Turkey.
I guess you still have not shown one major even solved by peace talks..
So your theory here Game is that only war and violence solves problems? Please be specific I am quite appalled that your parental units didn't teach you better than that!
Look, it goes both ways. You know only the problems that weren't solved in a peaceful manner ended up in war.
look at EH's comments in a newer blog...sometimes it doesn't come to war because of the threat of the cuban missle crisis.
Our enemies see liberal ideals as a sign of weakness...they use it against us...
look at Carter and Reagan...Carter was a whimp who Iran knew wouldn't use force, so they didn't give up hostages...the SECOND Reagan won the hostages were can you argue that
Thanks for the totally unnecessary "history" lesson. I happened to have lived through it. Although there were some bullets fired, there was no attack from either side. There was peace through negotiation, not war. Pretty major, I think.
The Bay of Pigs, as everyone should know, was planned by at set in motion by the Eisenhower administration (Republican) and run by the CIA. Marilyn Monroe really wasn't involved in the Bay of Pigs as far as I remember.
Hillary doesn't have to introduce such a bill. Many others are already doing it. There is NO BILL introduced by Hillary on abortion or ANY other major issue that the Republic-controlled congress would even allow to come to the floor, much less get a vote. Do you think the Republics would allow a bill to pass with the name of a possible 2008 Democratic presidential candidate on it? Dream on!
I'm not worried about the Supreme Court overturning Roe. If Roe were overturned, the Republics would have no cause to further rally the religious base.
The Republics couldn't care less about Roe. It's just a lightening rod to get and maintain power by fooling the religious right. What they want is judges who will use the Constitution's "takings" and "commerce" clauses to overturn regulation of health, environment, labor and civil rights laws.
If Bush cared about Roe, he wouldn't have nominated someone like Harriet Miers. Even Roberts is a major question mark on Roe.
If you really, really care about Roe, you better pray a lot, because in the end, the Republics aren't going to really do anything about it.
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