No matter what I write, I only am getting a few people to here ya go, say whatever you want...
Thursday, November 17, 2005
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Obama Higher Taxes Failed Stimulus Fewer Jobs Change we can vote out
No matter what I write, I only am getting a few people to here ya go, say whatever you want...
Posted by
The Game
12:07 AM
Comments come and go, my friend.......I hardly get them at all, but my counter says I'm getting 50-60 independant hits a day. --> Since I'm not getting spammed to death, I assume most of these are readers.
I'm sure your blog is the same....I for one can say I show up here daily, but only comment every once and awhile.
You have to have faith in what you are blogging, and allow the readers and commenters to show up.
Hey Jager I agree about winter drivers........It's ridiculous here in Phoenix with people not knowing how to drive when its 80 degrees cold:)
thanks pero...
jager is right...but this just goes into my theory that most people have very little skill in anything...that would include driving.
Here in Maryland, the slowest and most careful drivers in snow and rain and ice are the drivers of 4 wheel drive vehicles. Go figure.
By the way I visit at least once a day also but due to the sheer number of blogs I visit, plus writing on my own and writing a novel I don't often take the time to comment.
If I don't comment it's because you have covered the topic sufficiently enough I have nothing else to add.
these are nice things to hear...I was just getting worried because I was getting about 40 hits a day...which is okay...but lately it is down closer to 30...
But thanks for the support guys
You are fat.
Oh, and right on jagerbomb.
Haaay! Stop yer whinin'. Sounds too much like a Democrat!
Game, I'd like to point out that your post pages in your template have no link back to your index. Not even clicking on the title of your blog in the header (which, in this template by default links to the index from post pages).
It's a little thing, but if you would fix it, it would make navigating your blog quite a bit easier.
not sure what you are talking about mike...explain again?
if you click on one of the posts' permalink, you're taken to a post page. When clicking on comments, it takes to a standard blogger comment form, so that's not an issue, and that has a link back...but for instance,
There isn't any way (that I've found) to get back to the mainpage from there. Sure, you can type the address or truncate it in the address bar and hit "go" but that's rather irritating, when the template you use, by default has a link to the mainpage in the, I'll show you with one of my post pages. Click on "Analytic Disturbance -- Reason From chaos?" in the top blue box, and that will take you to my index page...this is a standard feature of the template. Unfortunately I'm not skilled enough in HTML to tell you how to fix it, all I can suggest is save a copy of your template, get a new template (same one if you want, just with newer code) and copy your customizations into it, republish, and you'll be fine.
Does that make sense? Like I said, it's a minor thing, and I'm not trying to complain or be annoying or anything, it's just something I wanted to point out. If you don't fix it, it's not that big of a deal. I just figured you should know.
Okay, I missed the "Home" link at the very bottom of the I guess that's there like always...oh well. *shrugs*
I clicked on the link to your Mom of the Year story, and found some other interesting articles...How about that woman giving away shoes shoes to Mexicans trying to cross the border illegally? Disgusting.
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